Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT.

Oct 6, 2018, 11 tweets

This #blockchain case is an #Instagram sock account masked as an investor. Using reverse-image search I found that the account (claims to be American) is the clone of a TV presenter's account. The scam has pulled USD$24,000+ #bitcoin @BitcoinWhosWho…

2/ A timely response from @instagram's review has stated that this fake account, currently scamming users, does "not violate Community Guidelines" for "impersonation". Since reporting the #bitcoin scam, which uses photos from someone else's account, the sock has blocked me.

3/ Well @instagram, allow me to retort. Community guidelines state: "Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or have the right to share". As you can see here, the photos are pulled from an authentic user, and reuploaded to the scam #sock account.

4/ @instagram's policies state a user must: "Foster meaningful and genuine interactions."
This scam account is pulling videos from a user's account and reuploading them as their own stories. These are uploaded with videos of #Crypto investment charts - an incentive to the scam.

5/ @instagram's policies state an account must "Follow the law". Last week someone flagged this account to me after they were #scammed USD$800. Clearly, a sockpuppet using someone else's photos and soliciting a '#cryptocurrency investment' scam is fraud.

6/ @instagram has a policy against #impersonation, stating: "You can't impersonate others or provide inaccurate information".
This #bitcoin scam account is pretending to be in Florida, but is from the account of a TV presenter in #Australia.

7/ While the account has been determined by @instagram to be within community guidelines, here is evidence of how the scam operates.

8/ The #sockpuppet has provided their bitcoin address (allegedly belonging to and asks to register with that site. The sock declares that they are a #cryptocurrency trader under that site. @BitcoinWhosWho - please list this address.

9/ The #Bitcoin address the sock scam provided is 36RWQFRCXVB1NS7zAJ5HsQS2H8wDuQFNEU - It links to CbwP which then goes onto 85oC (a bitcoin tumbler used to anonymise transactions). The Bitcoin address has received more than USD $24,000.…

I have spoken with the real owner of these photos - they have reported this #bitcoin #fraud account to @instagram for months now and nothing has happened. Since writing this, the #scam sock has changed its username and privacy settings: Report 👉

@ErinSaltman - the person who is having photos stolen off their Instagram and used to create a fake Instagram crypto scam profile is still messaging asking for help. Could you please point this in direction of someone that can contact me with the @instagram user’s address?

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