Megan Evans Profile picture
environmental policy, governance, finance • Senior Lecturer @UNSWCanberra • she/her • likes dogs • •

Dec 10, 2019, 13 tweets

Opening remarks from @PRI_News CEO Fiona Reynolds: Australia is a world leader in #sustainablefinance (I think I heard 5th in the world for responsible investment?), but also a leader in #carbon emissions per capita, extinction etc @UNEP_FI #ResponsibleMelbourne

#Sustainablefinance is a 21st century phenomenon - 97% instruments e.g green bonds have been introduced since 2000 #responsiblemelbourne

60% of @PRI_News signatories are working alongside governments to develop #sustainablefinance policy & financial instruments

Reynolds: The future of finance is #sustainablefinance, and those who don't adapt will be left behind #responsiblemelbourne

We need to:
- phase out thermal coal production
- end fossil fuel subsidies
- put a price on carbon
- implement @FSB_TCFD
Crazy greenies? Nope, investor signatories of @PRI_News…

Matt Whineray, CEO, Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation, focussed his talk on #climate finance as it's "the most tractable #sustainablefinance problem"
Oh dear...

.@jwthwaites on Australia's progress towards meeting the @ConnectSDGs Good on health, bad on (terrestrial) environment (SDG 15) and climate (SDG13)… @MonashMSDI #responsiblemelbourne

.@jwthwaites ran out of time to talk about the environment (ha!) but did emphasise Australia is going backwards in terms of #climate action and dealing with #biodiversity loss

Really hope we can find time to talk about #sustainablefinance from the perspective of emerging enterprises today (esp for #naturalcapital in #conservation & #agriculture sectors)

Mark Fulton: #climatechange is coming for your investment portfolios!!1!!!!1 #responsiblemelbourne

Fulton: " #Coal is dead. It's just a matter of time until the price is hit"
Cc: @fitzhunter @AlboMP @mattjcan @ScottMorrisonMP

Mark discussing Inevitable Policy Response modelling (…), considers max carbon price of $100/tonne. That's more than enough in Queensland to incentivise #carbonfarming !! See our work:… #responsiblemelbourne

If @PRI_News needs to find people to fill the 2 spare seats to talk about #biodiversity and #naturalcapital next time, I'm happy to volunteer (as would many of my colleagues) ✋ #responsiblemelbourne

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