May Wong Profile picture
Senior Indochina Correspondent @ChannelNewsAsia (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) Formerly based in Myanmar. Now Bangkok and around the region

Mar 16, 2020, 6 tweets

As #Singapore announced mandatory #COVID19 14-day quarantine for those traveling to city from #ASEAN states, appears travellers from #Thailand #Bangkok trying to leave before midnight deadline today. Many I understand have moved their flights forward (1/2)…

The scene at #Bangkok #Thailand #Suvarnabhumi airport as passengers wait to check-in on @SingaporeAir to #Singapore. Those who arrive after deadline set by Singapore government tonight will have to be quarantined for 14 days if they're coming from #ASEAN states (pics not mine)2/2

Some I understand have been waiting for more than 40 mins waiting to check in at @SingaporeAir counter for a #Singapore-bound flight scheduled for 340pm BKK time at #Bangkok #Thailand #Suvarnabhumi airport. Appears for #SQ, there's just 1 more flight at 610pm BKK before deadline

Understand #Thailand #Bangkok #Suvarnabhumi airport taking #COVID19 temperature of passengers just before bag scan/security scan & stamping an all clear if no fever detected. Busy outside at check-in counters. But inside, it's clear number of tourists has dipped (pics not mine)

Appears to be full flight @SingaporeAir bound from #Bangkok #Thailand to #Singapore scheduled to arrive at about 715pm Singapore time. Am told business class has no empty seats too. #SQ flight attendants in #masks since airline instruction a week ago due to #COVID19 #Coronavirus

#Singapore mandatory 14-day self#-quarantine upon arriving in the city-state from 10 #ASEAN states like #Indonesia #Philippines will start in less than 3 hours at 1159pm SG time on March 16. Appears 2 flights from #Bangkok #Thailand will not beat deadline…

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