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Sep 1, 2020, 6 tweets

Let's be clear..
#Croats, #Bošniaks, #Albanians & Montenegrin #DPS activists who cry about election result in #Montenegro & call #Serbs fascists are revisionists & ideological heirs of Nazi supporters in Balkans, who formed SS divisions & exterminated Serbs, Jews & Roma in WW2.😏

2. Fact that some Atlantist, #NATO & EU mouthpieces are upset by this result lies in the fact that NATO turned into a new Axis in the 90s & resurrected the Ottoman, Austrian, Italian, German & Komintern politics in the Yugoslav #Balkans:
Foster divisions & conquer divided people.

3. Milo is an opportunist who changed master w/ the wind.
Once favorable to unified #Serbia, he turned his jacked to save his ass & benefit from the situation.
Like in #Kosovo, #NATO would support mobsters in #Montenegro to break-up #Yugoslavia, no matter the cost for the locals.

4. So, is destroying country into unviable Statelets & sick societies a blessing given from abroad in name of #freedom of #democracy?
Or simply a series of illegitimate & violent abuses legitimized by #propaganda up to convince some locals than they are maimed for their own good?

5. Looking at the depopulation, damaged economy, corruption, criminality, national tensions covering everything else, trashization of the ex-Yugoslav & even Serbian societies (#Serbia incl. #Kosmet, #Montenegro, #RS, #Krajina), the answer should be clear.
& our answer also: NO!🛑

6. So big respect to the citizens of #Montenegro who were able to cripple a 3 decades long foreign-puppet opportunist dictator hold over them, through 9 months of massive demonstrations & a successful legislative election.
No one died.🙏
After everything, that deserves praises.👍

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