N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Sep 12, 2020, 11 tweets

So the #Antifa boogeyman is now being blamed 4 wild fires across the country. Apparently George Soros is sending out Antifa to start forest fires. Of course this is completely not true & has been debunked by law enforcement & local officials. Here are two recent #disinfo examples

Quick shout out to @ContextFall & @dragnetizen for sending these examples. On Facebook its even worse & an absolute sea of dumb. Also its good to know that the fake @ScarsdaleAntifa account, inciting violence & falsely claiming #AntifaFires is responsible is now suspended

#Antifa is the top trending hashtag in Colorado Springs at it was due to this tweet from a local pastor. Its interesting because it appears to be boosted by one of the #Mighty200 accounts @LeahR77. This is also an account that I believe President Trump has retweeted on occasion.

Hoaxy analysis 4 that tweet shows a very high level of inauthentic bot / cyborg activity around the promotion of that tweet. As we have mentioned before it is common to see tweets get up to 4% involvement of the Orange + Red categories. This tweet is at 25%. #infoOps #disinfo

And of course its a huge problem across all the platforms. No surprise, its probably the worst right now on Facebook. It has been repeatedly debunked and in fact firefighter personnel are PLEADING for the public to stop with the 911 calls about #Antifa

I guess the @FBI is in cahoots with George #Soros & #Antifa. Seriously people stop with dumb. Get a 84oz Big Gulp & rent Idiocracy 4 the day. Im guessing there will b a human component 2 some of these fires, either criminal or plain stupidity, but its not being organized by Soros

From the Hoaxy data there were 987 unique accounts boosting this Tweet from the minister in Colorado Springs. Out of these 987 accounts we found 8 accounts from our Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 trolls & 2 from the #Mighty200 domestic troll set of accounts. #infoOps #disinfo #osint

And of course the "but some people say" tweet from Russian state-affiliated media RT(.)com. They are laughing their asses off at us. #disinfo #osint #infosec

Reminded about this article back at the end of May during the George Floyd #BLM protests where Twitter revealed that a fake #Antifa account @ANTIFA_US was created & run by a white supremacist group based in Europe called Identity Evropa h/t @andyrosebrook

One of the accounts that was early to retweet the fake #Antifa account @ANTIFA_US run by the European white supremacist group was this account that also seems quite fond of RT_Arabic. Seems odd no? #infoOps #osint

And how can I forget the weird #infoOps going on with the domain name Antifa(.)com being purposefully redirected to the JoeBiden campaign website using an apparently difficult to block headerless 302 redirect .. a technique also chosen on purpose #osint

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