John O'Connell Profile picture
Consul Populis, Mentor for Substance Addicts and/or Homeless. Politics, Motorcycles, Linux, Movies. You can buy me a coffee at

Sep 24, 2020, 7 tweets

Some economic comparisons:

A failing #Brexit has so far cost us the equivalent of the total of every payment we've made, ever, to the EU, since we joined.

Some economic comparisons: (2)

A failed Track&Trace / Test&Trace has cost us the equivalent of four aircraft carriers.

Some economic comparisons: (3)

An already-failing #Moonshot #Vaccine scheme will cost more than our entire annual Education Budget and is based on technology that has yet to be invented.

Some economic comparisons:

For the money paid out for #Covid19 #PPE that was unsuitable for use, out of date or just never arrived, we could have set up a nationwide network of 75 #Homelessness Shelters and funded them for ten years.

Some economic comparisons: (5)

For the cash paid out to #Serco (for which they delivered nothing of value) we could have set up a nationwide system of 25 alcohol and substance abuse treatment centres, instantly reducing crime and violence, and funded them for 8 years.

I'm sure there are more that come to mind. It seems many can't grasp the meaning of the large numbers unless you explicitly spell out what else it could have been used for.

Remember this when they say 'we can't afford' this, or that.

Note : The calculations regarding the cost of #Homelessness Shelters and Substance Abuse / Dependency Programs comes from my personal experience of being involved in both as a volunteer.

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