Matthew Smith 🏌🏻‍♂️ Profile picture
If I am shown my error, I will be the first to throw my books into the fire. 📈 World Markets - TMT - Conflict - History - Strength 📜 Veritas liberabit vos

Jan 10, 2021, 105 tweets

RE: Rome / Roma / Italia / Vatican
Enough chatter to log THREAD
#Italy #Gloria

On Saturday it went around that POTUS would address the nation at 7PM EST

He did not broadcast any messages or speeches,


Preceding that exact time in Rome, at the Vatican, they held a midnight mass / ceremony and at then cut the lights (screencap from feed last night)

The Vatican then promptly shut the lights off, sight-unseen and unannounced.

Did anyone else catch "Gloria" pumping, moments before Trump took the stage in January 6?

Just now putting these two together.

[Remember, the narrative almost entirely omits Trump's speech that morning, + the turnout of hundreds of thousands if not millions!]

Check out clip🔉

That night, large volume of chatter on not only the Vatican blackout, but comms and electric issues across Europa.

look back at some of what was happening in the ether:

Meanwhile, in Germany / Alemania / Deutschland there was roughly a 3 hour period where all telephone communication went down.

See @o2de replies, it was in Berlin and Hamburg confirmed

Then around 0700 local, they turned back on along with the Vatican.. (linking next)

At 0700 local,
The Vatican turned their lights back on
With just as little explanation for how or why they went dark in the first place..

Was anything different in Roma / Rome?

It is too early to tell; But again, there has been enough chatter to start this thread and take notes

Shortly thereafter, the Pope tweeted to announce he would miss the Baptism at the Sistine Chapel,
(Which I presume is anomalous and he usually attends that sort of thing?)

He then follows this tweet with one mentioning United States Investments

Latin is the language of the See:

A video (OP) went around that something was going on in Rome.

This video is from @SecPompeo's visit in September.

It may be a random clip,
Someone may have carefully selected this video, because of what the trip entailed:

Pompeo was not only in Rome,
but at Vatican for business with the Holy See, addressing
"Advancing + Defending International Religious Freedom Through Diplomacy"

Which had an accompanying EO (next link)

album: /photos/usinholysee/sets/72157716275951308/…

"Religious freedom, America’s first freedom, is a moral and national security imperative.  Religious freedom for all people worldwide is a foreign policy priority of the United States, and the United States will respect + vigorously promote this freedom"…

Interestingly enough,

Pompeo's online presence has been exceptional today as well;

Immediately starting the morning off with his #AmericaFirst tweet,
He tweets every hour, on the hour..

ramping it up to 30 minute intervals..

Which included a baked-in countdown -@ArtOfWarNews:

From what I can gather,
The story begins with the quoted tweet below, and is unfolding now...
Sunday evening, as a white blanket of snow covers a large swath of the American South

This may amount to nothing.
But it also may amount to more..

What do you think will happen?

As someone who is intimately familiar with what's going on in the country of Syria, it is so much deeper than we can fathom.. but we've been piecing it all together.

God bless.

Here it comes

With textbook precision,

Kahneman's System 2

To give you time to think, analyze,

Each critical point in real-time.

Watch the video a couple times,

Search the archives,

Do the due diligence

And realize

That this is the voice of that supreme authority

One thing to note.
Everyone has been so focused on Trump "crossing the metaphorical Rubicon"

We have only started to see the connections...

For instance...
Is making this announcement (we were canalized to his Twitter feed-if this is real.

Who was Pompey?

"This threat follows on the heels of the Iranian regime announcing it has resumed 20% uranium enrichment at Fordow, the fortified, underground facility Iran originally constructed in secret,"

+ Italy / Iran Trade partners-largest in EU


Pompeo tweets more on Iran, via proxy way in Yemen

Where else has he talked about Yemen, and in what context?

He has specifically called out this situation before, but today he shared his address at a Margaret Thatcher Lecture in May 2019-next comment

"our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor"

Paying attention to those he praised today, and those he criticized... and reading the speeches / sources of each event

Here is a link to the full event transcript, which Pompeo shared earlier in the day:…

@SecPompeo promptly began again at 0600, 0630, and 0700 EST
First, with his sustained "#AmericaFirst" tweet to kick things off,

Then immediately starting the next paragraph of this synchronized-via-twitter address,
with a sharp, objective analysis of @UN:

All day yesterday, the focus was on regional alliances (images+3 more), partnerships, and networks, never directly criticizing the latter, but rather highlighting key infractions from Iran, Syria, etc

Today, he shifts fires to @UN
What if, and let's just speculate for a second..

>if the US decided to withdraw from the United Nations?

It is no secret that Pompeo has rightfully critical of the @UN and other IGOs, but this one is special

Because the United States has already withdrawn from the UNHRC, 2018

same logic, larger scale…

He hits two criticisms of UN at 0630+0700,

he tees up the human rights point (mentioned in my above comment)

but doesn't address it outright (speech from June)

then at 0730

He shifts gears into highlighting forward progress w/
@UNPeacekeeping mission:

At 0800 Pompeo highlights further reforms made, KPIs enacted, and directly calls out the aggressive chinese expansion via Belt & Road Initiative / New Silk Road

If you haven't read into the BRI, it is aggressively expansive, and directly affects commerce:

BRI is critical,
It ties us back into not only Iran, but that video that went around internet from Pompeo's Sept / Oct Italy / Italia visit

What else did he accomplish while in Rome / Roma?

Mining, Ag, + Construction (MAC) / Pretoria Protocol ceremony:…

As expected (above), Pompeo calls out the UNHRC departure in his 1030 EST (was reporting erroneous timezone earlier) installment of this address.

From here, we can only assume he will make a more grave and resounding withdrawal announcement in the forthcoming hours...

" left "

Why not:


Further driving home the importance of the Rome / Roma visit from the October video,

Pompeo directy cites this address in 5:32GMT/1132L tweet;

In which he highlights Bernhard Lichtenberg

And again calls out China Iran, to Nigeria, Cuba, and Yemen...

1200EST - more CCP / BRI
For several years we have read the tea leaves, but it has been hard to comprehensively define precisely what it was, without sounding mad.

So many avenues lead to China,

But it's so much more grander than just China..

Through a patient,
Sustained approach

The United States and her partners have created a new allegiance that may supersede the United Nations.

Read a history book, and as Pompeo stated yesterday:

"Treaties, like alliances, can outlast their sell-by-date"

Per 10 Jan portion of address, the alliance seems to be comprised of smaller, regional alliances:
-Mekong Partnership

FVEY has been in economic and agricultural 'war' with CCP for years-see link.

(remaining 3 alliance imgs):

It is also noteworthy that
QUAD partnership is directly impacted by growing hostility between Indian / Chinese relations.

This includes direct military action, and if you're not aware of it, read through this log and know it continues:

In an increasingly technical world that places reliance on soft/hardware to accomplish modern feats...

IP has been one of the largest concerns, globally.

Hundreds of companies have been compromised,
while others sell out for cash or labor


Huawei/CCP involvement in Iran, NK+
-trade secret information
-copyrighted works
-source code
-user manuals for internet routers
-robot testing

He is giving this speech while providing the footnotes simultaneously.. with no middle man:

In the 1400EST tweet,
Pompeo directly calls out the CCP infiltration of the WHO, and their botching of the quagmire of the bureaucratic process that is COVID response,

You might almost even call it a manipulation.

He addresses this well, on 22 April:

Interesting #OSINT method is folks "catching flights" and analyzing,

In these events, nothing finite is stated,
But you can infer to fill in the blanks.

All of these have come through in the past few days,

Can't find the grab of cleared air over Abilene/Dyess-has been scrubbed

Where does Italy fall into the mix?

Why has Space Force seen such initiative on founding, funding, and practice?

Who gets caught holding the bag here?

China is headed to space... with what endgame?…

Pompeo's 1349 tweet comes on an atypical hour,
and directly addresses Cuba

Digging deeper we see his address to Caribbean nations, and his objection to Cuba's mil-controlled commercial bank exploiting the Cuban people.

Interesting he chose 49 to send it:

...49 is interesting, as it ties us back in to not only the Rubicon chatter of historical events on 10 Jan 49BC

But also because it is a founding year of China's violent establishment of the PRC.

Significance abounds:

It ALL ties back to central banks.

1600 tweet focuses on food: MASSIVE

The single most critical vulnerability the Communist/Globalist forces enact during passive regime overthrows, is disruption of the food supply.

You can't fight if you're starving.

Minutes from #Holodomor Politburo:

1630: LIFE
32-nation Multilateral Women's Health Agreement:
“In no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning [..] any measures or changes related to
abortion within the health system can only be determined at the natl/local level"

1700: Women

Parting shots to address a myriad of human rights violations towards women, unborn, malnourished + religiously oppressed,

An entire day of focusing on perils of the global communist agenda..

Has Pompeo established firm moral high ground?

In video of @POTUS discussing atrocities against Syrian children (Full clip above)

I keep thinking about this particular series of events..

P: "We're talking And it can't be allowed to happen,

*John Bolton adjusts spectacles*

So we'll be.. LOOKING at that barbaric act.."

"the global strategic environment had changed"

It is well-known that Bolton is an Iran hawk.

So I decided to look into one of his press-briefings on Iran, and select the Q&A's greatest hits, to paint some flavor. It's worth reading, may give it 2 posts:…

"lasting peace and security in the Middle East depends on addressing a lot of complex factors, but certainly one critical one is the role that Iran has played in supporting the instability and conflict. [can we] retrain Iran’s behavior?"

(also, speaks of DPRK in a positive way)

"You are indeed the tip of freedom’s spear"

Pompeo's live address on Voice of America, and its transcript (ctrl + f it, even)

Including the Q + A

Did not see notice of this broadcast until afterwards.…

RE: "Gloria" >> "Glory, Glory hallelujah!"

1942-VoA christened their inaugural broadcast with the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” along with this pledge, quote: “The news may be good. The news may be bad. But we’ll tell you the truth.”
I recommend you do the same:

After you read or listen to the speech,

be sure to focus on the Q&A

As expected (see Boltons 2018 remarks few posts up)

We begin calling the spade a spade:

Pompeo has spent the past three days priming world for
President Trump's Alamo Address


@SecPompeo has begun a mini-thread on this topic:

If you want to deep dive on Iran's human rights, and corruption..

Look through @HeshmatAlavi's comprehensive coverage; You may be surprised with what you see

Also relevant this morning... Tehran markets are plummeting.

The writing is on the wall.

#Finance #Markets

Introduction has been all Iran at this conference.

NOW: Pompeo set to take stage in live address:

Speech is around 15m

Here are some key takeaways:
-Iran has given "agency + control" and "freedom of movement" to al-Qaeda
-effectively equates entire regime to org
-houthi Yemen proxy war
-Somalia/ al-shabab
-shia militia groups
-the whole gang

The formal framework to designate IRGC as terrorist org is a massive implication...
Is this adding the pieces to a formal declaration?

-UNSC Resolution 1267
-Abd al-Rahman al-Maghrebi
-Specially Designated Global Terrorists under E.O. 13224

Transcript to follow>

"the time is now for America and all free nations to crush the Iran-al-Qaeda axis"


Continuing momentum.…

No boots on ground (via sons and daughters)
but still
"punishing evil"

Does this imply:
-ballistic missiles?
-kinetic bombardment?
-exposing more financial thievery / corruption within global financial, political, and corporate realms?

Contemplating DIMEFIL

"Deter IOT Secure"

1300 tweet: @SecPompeo's @HooverInst speech

-Iran's defiance and growth
-military strikes
-China's expansion in the South China Sea (more to follow)
-IP theft (covered more above)

People forget we have been getting bombarded by KH/Shia Militias for years

RE: South China Sea and Straits of Malacca,

"You can have the greatest army in the world, but it doesn’t matter if you are not prepared to use it to achieve your strategic objectives."

“Deterrence is hard to establish and easy to lose.”
-Victor Davis Hanson


Pompeo is referring to jumbo jet carrying $400M in €uro, francs, and $1.3B USD in cash that followed, during 2016 negotiations (link) for 5 Americans.

Pictured in his tweet are Michael White and Xiyue Wang, who returned after successful 2020 negotiations…

POTUS speaks now from Alamo.

So far it is largely on the Border wall, at the 450th completed mile.

"Aliens released"
LIVE now:

Trump's Alamo Address was nothing spectacular, and his tone was relatively subdued to the fire he exhibited six days prior.

He largely lauded completion of 450 miles of border wall, and the growing bond between USA and Mexico.

No bits seems noteworthy, but we'll view transcript

What is of note is,
At the same time Trump addressed the nation

The lights went out in Iran.

"Perhaps out of fear of the people's revolution, they came up with an idea for electricity"

Tabriz (Sattar Khan city)

1600: The World Awakes

["All nations, every nation has a duty to act.” What will you do?]

Pompeo further builds the case for global criticisms, sanctions, and more against the Iranian regime.

Simultaneously: more blackouts reported across Iran (next)…

The fantastic @HeshmatAlavi

Has compiled a thread of reported blackouts from Iran

Interesting internet exercise will be to see how many of these videos are still online in 6 months..
[@RemindMe_OfThis in 6 months]

Note, some houses lit while traffic infrastructure is out

1630: The Iranian People

Imploring Iran in 2019:

"If you seek to recover respect from your people and from the world..

If you seek stability and prosperity for a once great nation..

You must respect the commitments that you have made.
You must respect human rights."

These targets were allegedly just hit in Syria:

Al-Thalath area (IRGC)
Beer Hammar (IRGC and 47th Regiment),
oil tanker lorry route to al-Imam base
Al-Seiba area (IRGC)
Hamdan Airport Rd (Zainabiyon Militia)
Al-Hajjana St, car park (ZM) -@OALD24

First article I've seen regarding what they are now referring to as raids

18+ strikes against multiple targets

5 Syrian soldiers, 11 fighters belonging to the IRGC, Lebanese Hezbollah and the Fatimid Brigade, pro-Iranian Afghan fighters…

Following last nights warm pieces of ordnance distributed in Syria,
@SecPompeo largely focusing on Levantine affairs

Initially, the Abraham Accords

Presumably, we will hear of US Embassy relocation to Jerusalem soon.. one of the most monumental actions of the '17-21 State Dept:

While on the topic of Syrian / Levantine affairs,

A topic I feel gets very little coverage:
Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) of the borderlands.

They have decreased in size, but still exist.

Read multiple sources, for clarity..…

As @SecPompeo shifts gears to Daesh, let us recall the success that was retaking Mosul, Iraq.

An elite force aided + assisted ISF in clearing and securing the city.

The first 'flex' of US military strength of this admin.

What did it accomplish?
How is it related to the region?

~pause from Levant, of note~

Happening Now:

Belgium Burns🔥

-@SecPompeo cancels his end-of-term trip
-Riots sweep Brussels

More odd related events...
Probably just trying to save taxpayer money..

But why announce (after a presumed approval process) it in the first place?

Madness in Brussels👀

-NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg
-Belgian Dep Prime Minister / Foreign Affairs Min. Sophie Wilmès

allegedly declined Sec State..

Belgium is seat of EU + NATO.

"Treaties, like alliances, can outlast their sell-by-date"

What else is new?:

Surely this is all one large "end-of-tour highlights" reel...
but yet we see further turmoil in Italia / Italy.

Italian cabinet meeting happening now on virus-related restrictions, while tomorrow PM Conte is set to widen the country’s deficit by €24B:…

It is critical that Pompeo highlights both Hormuz, Malacca, and other SLOC channels (mentioned above as well) are perhaps the two most critical thoroughfares in modern sea commerce

Exorbitant amounts of oil, LNG, and data flow through these conduits

Iran has been top of mind in the majority of Pompeo's tweets.. no surprise

I have heard Beirut and Lebanon describe as "wholly compromised" by Hizbollah.

barracks bombing is not forgotten

An SME I have personally witnessed on the topic is the talented Fred Burton (book below):


The US Secretary of State
+ Marine Corps Commandant

were both combat arms lieutenants [3/7♠️] when the barracks was bombed.. an officers most impressionable years

They've spent their whole careers contemplating the attack..

Semper Fidelis

PT 2 of USMC video (released on the 17th anniversary):

The bombing and aftermath.

This is glossed over in most 20th Century history books, so I will share the entire film in memory of the 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and 3 soldiers killed that October morning, 17 years ago:

~17 years ago~


..shifting gears back to Italy.

Italia has begun a historic organized crime trial against the 'Ndrangheta Empire' - expansive globally, inclusive of the USA with 350+ defendants in a purpose-built trial facility.

How did we go from Italy to IGOs, China, Iran, + Lebanon, and Israel?

It takes time.🧩

Who ARE these Ndrangheta guys?

And how do they have bases [across] Europe, Australia, Africa, N. + S. America?

...and where exactly were they fleeing to?

What do Israeli-Lebanese relations look like?

"Technically in a state of war and with no diplomatic relations,"

At what point do proxy wars evolve?

Has Oceania always been at war with Eastasia?

Where does all of this tie together?

I believe one component (of many) is hostages

If we look at one critical difference of this administration's foreign policy, we see the most proactive stance on hostages ever..

Are there any hostages still in captivity?

One in particular..

As so many captive Americans worldwide return..

What if we consider
One American
A Marine
Eagle Scout
Ties to Vatican
Was still in captivity
For 7+y

His name is @Austin_Tice and he has been detained in Syria for 3,076 days.

Will @SecPompeo bring him home?

It is very interesting that we are now spending time on Golan sovereignty.

Pompeo was a tanker, recall.

Looking back at the battle.. we see the same land in dispute.

Will this set stage for Israel to annex the 860km-sq chunk of rich hydrocarbon (above)?…

Missing from the synced tweets,
Is the NATO ally, Turkey

As noted above, Turk-proxies fight US-proxies, while both fight Iran-proxies..🤯

Recalling Pompeo saying "treaties" expire;

Turkey's Erdogan denounced Israel's invasion of Gaza Strip in 2008📉

What has happened since?

It hasn't improved.. in fact

Turkey has spent years even further distancing itself from Israel,
and has become hyper-critical of her ties deep within American:
foreign policy
financial institutions
educational systems

Bold claims!

"We didn’t conquer. We just came to our homeland"

The wine Pompeo keeps sharing is at the forefront of zionist land + trade disputes re: West Bank + global trade

As Twain espoused about land, "they're not making it any more"

Could all be about land / resources in WB/JS/coast🤔

Secretary Pompeo tweets 6 Red wine bottles, as the cards continue to unfold.

After a day of praise from @SecPompeo,
the news broke that United States would incorporate Israel into Central Command (previous EUCOM)

If you're hearing about CENTCOM now for the first time, it's a 4M mi² region that currently borders Israel.


Pompeo's "Good Friday" seems to be focusing on benevolence

After focus on Lebanon, it is natural to see reference of USAID supporting 2020 Explosion aftermath

Do we remember that?

Who runs Savaro?

(read last in reverse, better than a Guy Ritchie flick)

While we contemplate Cyprian-Israeli relations, let's shift gears and to US and the Vatican.

Speaker Pelosi addressed the nation, in a noticeably bumbling, weak demeanor.

Timely w/holiday, she opens with a recitation of MLK

And then adds a Pope Paul VI quote, from her office.

I decided to read search context of that quote,
You may get a kick out of what I discovered..

5 days ago, Nancy's daughter tweets same quote—solidarity?

Let's look at this Pope..🤔
Paul VI appoints Marcinkus—no finance skill—to head Vatican Bank..

Kinda wild!

More on why these two women (her DNC Strategist daughter) would quote both this week..

I didn't even realize she had a daughter.. what other family members does she have?

🤔🤔surely coincidental

But.. ties run Deep…

^^back to Levant from the Vatican's "Gorilla"

Who was Savaro Ltd-the Cyprian shell firm linked to Beirut 2020 blast-and where does that trail lead?

CY-IS relations (see above)—as I wrote that, Pompeo coincidentally called Cyprus Forn Minister to discuss


Saturday 16th—Benjamin de Rothschild has heart attack. 🔎

@SecPompeo focus on China... And finally

We come to the most startling piece:
The CONUS Chinese domestic threat.

While the media has been telling you about Russia,
The DOJ has been hard at work..
This is just tip🏔

..we still do not comprehend just how expansive #CCP threat is

RT below is a thorough analysis I have conducted of China and the CCP poses to the free World

PT.2/2 of DOJ release on China cases, to Nov. '20 [IMG]

How many did you hear about?


An atypically late take from the Secretary.

He defines hostile intent after making a clear case this past week, and effectively nods to Code of Conduct Article I.

In more atypical events, SecDef Chris Miller instructs NSA #1 (director) to appoint top lawyer... Which has many 👀

The Post rang, Ellis (Miller's appointee, and apparently a true professional) answered the phone, “I don’t talk to the press, thank you,” + hung up.

There are entire worlds of information flow that we are not privy to as regular individuals... multiple layers of communication,

[back to Iran]

..these flows culminate deep within the Pentagon and the National Military Command Center, "Raven Rock"

POTUS describes it as "the greatest room [he's] ever seen' in 1/2/19 brief.. where he unironically received his first brief on ..Iran:

Pompeo shifts Taiwan, midday;
Mentioning AUG vist—

However, the picture shared is from a JULY exercise: a simulated repulsion of a Taiwanese invasion by CCP forces

Can't find AP story—is that because it mentions 2 🇹🇼KIA?

Pompeo's pic a nod to fallen?

In the speech @SecPompeo cites in his latest synced post, he again clearly outlines the groundwork to declare Hostile Intent of China towards USA:

At 1605L

Pompeo references the scripture, Mark 16:15; King James Version, from his personal account.

1615L is in 5 minutes
Probably insignificant, but worth observing

No current speculation, other than genuine gratitude, for Monday 18 January appreciation posts from Secretary Pompeo;

However, this developing story of Iranian tankers bound for Syria is likely relevant to above events(400k->20k bpd..), and worth noting:…

Pompeo has started off morning every 15 minutes,

A change in his cadence..

Interestingly enough, the wording here is important.

Last week, Pelosi minced oath of office with the Constitution;

The oath is to the Constitution.

Likely unrelated.

What's :45?


Pompeo: PRC is committing crimes and must be held accountable

But how?
"Irreconcilable Will"

Also, noticed the tweets preceding this to be :03, :02..

Even if this is just one last recap, it has been extremely thorough and informative...

the tenure isn't over..

"money is trust
its management,
that is finance,
must be intrinsically ethical.

When values, individual and social responsibility fail, when whirling cycles of mistrust are created, not only among savers but among the banks themselves, panic"

- Caloia👇…

Thinking about this thread and some unanswered Q's..

What is the Fanone name origin?


Who is Hsin-Yi?

Who ARE these Ndrangheta guys?

And how do they have bases [across] Europe, Australia, Africa, N. + S. America?

How deep into Vatican does this go?

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