European Research Council (ERC) Profile picture
The European Research Council, set up by the EU, funds top researchers of any nationality, helping pursue great ideas at the frontiers of knowledge. #HorizonEU

Apr 22, 2021, 11 tweets

📢The ERC Advanced Grants competition results are out. Over €500 million in funding for leading researchers!

Full results ➡️

🇪🇺#EUfunded #ERCAdG

🎉Congratulations to the 209 new ERC Advanced Grant #ERCAdG recipients 🏅!

Full list👉

What links obesity and pancreatic cancer? How can we anticipate future threats from wildlife viruses? What are the best materials for architects to use in the buildings of the future?

Just a few of the questions 5 new #ERCAdG grantees will investigate ➡️

With 25 different nationalities, the new 🇪🇺 ERC Advanced Grant funded researchers will work in 14 countries in the European Union & beyond.

Top project locations:
🇬🇧 51 UK
🇩🇪 40 Germany
🇫🇷 22 France

More data ➡️

@EUdelegationUK @EUinDE @UEFrance #ERCAdG

The ERC Advanced Grant funding announced today will help support jobs for some 1,900 postdocs, PhD students and other staff 👨🎓👩🎓👩🔬👨🔬👩💻 on the grantees' teams.

Keep an eye out for upcoming job announcements! 👇🏾

#EUfunded #research #jobsearch

Architecture holds the key to how we will live in the future.

With her newly awarded #ERCAdG, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen 🇩🇰@kglakademi & team will investigate how to rethink building practices by using bio-based materials. ➡️

🇪🇺#EUfunded #Sustainability

How much do we know about viruses emerging from wildlife? How many can potentially infect humans? Can we improve outbreak predictions?

A new #ERCAdG funded research project, led by Rafael Sanjuán 🇪🇸@UV_EG aims to tackle such issues.


Can #nanodevices replicate the ability of the 🧠 brain to perform complex tasks with both high accuracy and low energy?

We bet yes! With her new ERC Advanced Grant, @julie_grollier from @CNRS will prove how.➡️

🇪🇺#EUfunded #AI #bioinspiration #physics

Theory holds that in democracies, policies correspond to public opinion. Yet, studies show that in most cases the link between what people want and the policies they get is selective.

Stefaan Walgrave @UAntwerpen will use his new #ERCAdG to explain why➡️

A project from Karen Vousden's team @thecrick has just won ERC Advanced Grant funding.

@LabVousden will now create a better understanding of the mechanisms driving pancreas #cancer, with a particular focus on the poorly understood role of #obesity.


If you are interested in applying for an ERC Advanced Grant this year, do take note that applications will be accepted between 20 May and 31 August 2021.

More info:

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