Cory Morningstar Profile picture
Independent investigative journalist with artistic & intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with little regard for conventional rules of behaviour.

Apr 27, 2021, 7 tweets

If you think this will be over after first round of #vaccinations - you could not be more wrong. This is a permanent program for #4IR era of global #surveillance, #data harvesting & future #biotech.

#Pandemic Action Network’s 100+ partners - "for a more pandemic-proof world."

Launched April 2020, members include #BMGF (#Gates Found.), ONE (Bono), Global Goals, #GlobalCitizen (financed by Gates), #Rockefeller Foundation, #JohnsonandJohnson, UN (partnered w/ #WEF), #Wellcome, etc.

#GlobalGoals (#SDGs) are emerging markets.

First follows chosen by #Pandemic Action Network Twitter account include members:

1. #Gates Foundation
2. Federation of American #Scientists
3. Global Health Strategies
4. #CDC Foundation
5. #GlobalCitizen
6. #GHTC
7. iHeartMedia - #media & #entertainment


#WarOnVirus requires #war terminology w/ #media to propagate.

"But this pandemic didn’t have to happen, & the next one won't wait. As they fight the current #battle, leaders must also take steps NOW to bolster our global & national defenses against emerging pandemic threats..."

The "Pandemic Action Network's Global Health Security Architecture Working Group" will assist in the shaping & rolling out of the #4IR global architecture inclusive of "global health #data systems" sought by #WEF in tandem w/ global finance & ruling class.

Message Handbook- #Covid19 Testing & #Tracing

Social license: obtained via behavioural change, social engineering, marketing, #emotive storytelling. Manipulation in an environment of fear. The power of #conformity used as a weapon against us.


Pandemic Action Network member, the CDC Foundation, "forges partnerships between the #CDC & private-sector orgs."

#CDC Found. partners include #JohnsonandJohnson #Pfizer #GlaxoSmithKline, #AstraZeneca, #Merck. #BRT

The full list is stunning:

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