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May 7, 2021, 56 tweets

73. Et si tout s'etait parti d'un Labo?…

4 mai 2021 présentée par @DavidPujadas, Merci!
Journaliste sur LCI / Canal 26, producteur Particules Productions et animateur de @24hPujadas

#Drastic Research highlighted!

74. BACK STORY with DANA LEWIS (podcast) interviews Nicholas Wade/ Science Writer & Gilles Demaneuf/ DRASTIC
The Wuhan Lab - Mounting Questions of Covid19 Virus Escape
#drastic research gets a plug thanks to

75. First of several books to be published this year which mention the struggle of #drastic
Sars-CoV-2, aux origines du mal (now available)
By @BricePerrier…
208 Pages 17,00 €
Screenshots of mentions in this thread:

76. FranceInfo on new theses discovered by Seeker
Covid-19 : comment l'hypothèse de l'accident de laboratoire, à l'origine du coronavirus, s'est étoffée en un an
Publié le 14/05/2021
@TheSeeker268 and @MonaRahalkar

77. Le Monde - Science Letter, New Theses & RaTG13
the hypothesis of an accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology relaunched after the disclosure of unpublished work
Merci @sfoucart
Mentions @TheSeeker268
"an anonymous scientist"
"an Italian microbiologist"

78. L'Express
"the hypothesis of a laboratory accident revived by new discoveries"
by @TheSeeker268
Not all leads on the origin of the Covid are explored in the same way, deplore scientists, supported by recent revelations about the Wuhan P4 laboratory.…

79. #DRASTIC up the Danube YET AGAIN! (2)
47 minutes on Romanian TV thanks to the dedicated work of Razvan Dumitrescu
@ydeigin @franciscodeasis @BillyBostickson
infecting people with knowledge
More screenshots and details here:

80. The End of the Omertà, Indomitable #DRASTIC…
".who have descended to the battlefield after having been swept away by the faithful infantry, which will remain on guard when the music is turned off. The indomitable of #DRASTIC & those of the Paris Group"

81. The Mirror (UK) @gdemaneuf and "Patient Su"
Scientists hunt for 'Patient Su' woman who could be mystery 'Covid patient zero'…

83. The Conversation
Thanks to @DecrolyE & @Biol4Ever
Covid-19: why the lab leak theory must be formally investigated…

84. The Spectator (2) by @mattwridley
Covid lab leak theory is looking increasingly plausible…

85. Daily Mail - The Original patient Su @ianbirrell…

86. Extramuros - Montevideo, Uruguay - 05/10/2021
Mierda de murciélago (o el origen de todo)
Bat shit (or the origin of it all)…
Creating a chimeric virus through GOF studies
It would be "the greatest cover up in the history of the world"

87. Blaze Media (USA)
by Carlos Garcia @BlazeMediaPR
A group of online amateur sleuths unraveled the cover-up on evidence for the COVID lab leak theory…

88. Vanity Fair thanks to @KatherineEban and @gdemaneuf and @RdeMaistre
I will soldier on recording the media story of DRASTIC and its investigations.…
My analysis:

89. Sky News Again! Thanks to @SharriMarkson
for mentioning the work of #DRASTIC…

About 6 minutes into the video, Sharri mentions us and @franciscodeasis

Buy the Book!…

90. Minervanett (Norway) Thanks to @Akselfrids
Chinese researchers created new corona viruses under unsafe conditions…
Newly surfaced PhD dissertation from the Wuhan Institute of Virology raises new questions regarding biosafety practices at the institute

91. Newsweek ( a big one) Tks to @rowanjacobsen
Just woke up! We made it into Newsweek!
Shame that not all of us did though as
@Harvard2H and his Dad's groundbreaking work are not mentioned....…

92. Ilsussi Diario (Italy) - A slight misinterpretation...

Ok, internet sleuths we all go home now, case solved!

Covid found patient zero? / Insect infected woman escaped from Wuhan laboratory…

93. Spanish Version of the Newsweek Piece…

94. The English Post (India)
Amateur investigators claim to break Wuhan lab secrets…

95. #Horizonte TV (Spain)

Interview with @franciscodeasis

"fue el único español entre los investigadores que pidieron por escrito una investigación creíble sobre el origen del virus"

Maybe available here:…

or here:…

96. El Mirador de Andalucía (Spain) @ElMiradorCSR

A las 21:15 estará con nosotros @franciscodeasis
"experto en datos y análisis, miembro de #𝗗𝗥𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗖 los descubridores de la posible fuga del coronavirus del laboratorio de Wuhan"

97. The Week (India)

How an Indian scientist couple worked to trace origin, course of COVID-19

@MonaRahalkar @BahulikarRahul…

98. Atlantico (Italy)

Mentions @Rossana38510044 and @ydeigin

Because the thesis of the artificial origin of the virus is imposing itself: the 6 facts that lead to the laboratories of Wuhan…

99. Ayesco Nigeria (Newsweek adapted)

A Truly Mad Story - Read it and Cackle!

Nerdy Followers!

Drastic: Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story…

100. The Hindu Business Line

Covid-19: why the lab leak theory must be formally investigated…

101. Christianity Daily - Thank God & Olivia Cavallaro!

Internet Sleuths Unravel Ways CCP Tried To Cover Up Wuhan Lab Leak…

102. France Soir (French Report on Newsweek Article)

Wuhan laboratory: How amateur investigators uncover the story of the origin of the virus and embarrass the media…

103. The Hindu

Online group digs deeper into coronavirus leak theory…


Thanks to @ramyakannan and @TheHinduScience


Thanks to


104. The Bostickson - Ghannam Investigation Reports

Finally India!

Maybe here:

Covid-19 origin revelation: Did China wage bio-war on the world? | The Newshour Debate

The Bostickson & Ghannam Reports:…

105. Brief mention in The Trumpet

Did China Prepare Years Ago to Launch a Pandemic?…

106. Beijing to Britain

The Wuhan 'lab leak' theory in Westminster…

107. India Today

@MonaRahalkar and @BahulikarRahul get their day in the limelight!

How a Pune-based scientist couple linked origin of Covid-19 to Chinese Mojiang miners…

108. The Siasat Daily (India)

Internet group DRASTIC adds more fuel to Corona lab leak theory…

Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19, or DRASTIC, brought the Coronavirus lab leak theory to the forefront again,

109. Op India - @TheSeeker268
The Seeker: Meet the Indian man who helped find evidence for the Covid-19 lab leak hypothesis
'The Seeker', in his mid-20s, used to be a science teacher. From there, he studied architecture, painting and filmmaking.…

110. RAI (Italy) Thanks @lisaiotti

Full episode #SARSCoV2 Anatomia di un complotto

@Presa_Diretta @RaiTre


111. #DRASTIC and the Crisis of Confidence on #CNN…
6 minute video clip
thanks @smerconish

112. French Interview with @BricePerrier
defending the early research of #DRASTIC (5.30 onwards)…
"Quand on me demande au début si c'est Biden qui a fait changer le sens du vent, je réponds : ça serait plutôt Drastic!"

113. The Hindu
Thanks to @ramyakannan and @TheHinduScience

Online group digs deeper into coronavirus leak theory…
Thanks to

114. CRUX (Youtube) Focus on The Indian Connection
@TheSeeker268 @MonaRahalkar @BahulikarRahul

#DRASTIC #Wuhan #Coronavirus

How DRASTIC Went From A Group Of Web Nerds To Sleuths Who May Have Exposed Wuhan-Covid Origin Link

115. Times of India

Interview with @TheSeeker268

Covid origin: ‘If nothing went wrong at Wuhan lab, then why the obfuscations?’…

116. SKY NEWS - Thanks @SharriMarkson

Watch It! Live Bats @Wiv WORLD EXCLUSIVE

Footage proves bats were kept in Wuhan lab

Well done @uacjess @interne41914499 and of course @BillyBostickson

impact of story tracked here:

117. The UK Sun - Hall of Shame!
They borrowed Sharri's WIV bat video story but failed to mention #DRASTIC…
I blame Henry Holloway

118. FOX News - Live Bats
Jun. 15, 2021 - 5:04 - Journalist Sharri Markson shares new video of Wuhan lab on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

#DRASTIC research credited thanks! @uacjess

119. WION

#Wuhan #Bats

Wuhan lab video showing bats in cage raises new queries on virus origin| Wuhan Institute of Virology

217,095 views•Jun 14, 2021

#DRASTIC group's work highlighted

120. Daily Mail by @h_alexander

Video 'proves live bats WERE kept at Wuhan lab'…

"It was handed to the TV station by a group called 'Drastic', who claim to be a team of scientists and investigators 🤔 though most of the group operate under pseudonyms"

121. Newsweek picks up on the Bat Story

Thanks @Samantha__Lock @Newsweek

Wuhan Lab Video Appearing to Show Bats in Cages Fuels Speculation About Pandemic Origins…


122. Taiwan News by @Keonievrington

"Video shows bats kept in Wuhan lab before COVID pandemic. Thanks to #DRASTIC @uacjess and
@BillyBostickson for discovering and sharing this video"

Nameless editor @TaiwanNews886 deleted us...

123. Odysee

@LuigiWarren from #DRASTIC speaks out$/embed/luigi-…

124. TV Globo (Brazil)
@AntGDuarte finally emerges from the shadows!
Great reporting from Brazil by @alvaropereirajr
with @JamieMetzl @gdemaneuf
A lab-related incident is a serious possibility that demands a credible investigation…

125. ERT (Greece) σε ευχαριστώ @evetsirigotaki

Η DRASTIC φτάνει στην Ελλάδα!

(DRASTIC arrives in Greece)

Interesting in depth article by Eve Tsirigotaki, a science journalist for Greek public TV & radio (ERT), focusing on biosafety at Wuhan Labs…

126. NBC NEWS @NBCNews

The science around the lab leak theory hasn't changed. But here's why some scientists have.…

Thanks to @interne41914499

127. DD TV (India) by @Munmun_Bhat

Tracing the Origins of Covid-19 (Part 2)

Excellent programme covering #Drastic

@gdemaneuf @ydeigin @BillyBostickson @luigi_warren @franciscodeasis @TheSeeker268
@Rossana38510044 @BahulikarRahul

temporary unroll for security @threadreaderapp

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