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Jun 1, 2021, 19 tweets

South Africa’s #unemployment rate increased by 0,1 of a percentage point to 32,6% in Q1:2021 compared to Q4:2020.

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#COVID19SA had an impact on data collection of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS).

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#StatsSA #unemployment #employment

There were about 28 000 fewer people employed in Q1:2021 than Q4:2020.

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#StatsSA #unemployment #employment

The number of Not Economically Active persons increased by 164 000 in Q1:2021 compared to Q4:2020
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#StatsSA #unemployment #employment

The labour force participation rate decreased by 0,2 of a percentage point from 56,6% in Q4:2020 to 56,4% in Q1:2021.

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#StatsSA #unemployment #employment

Graduate #unemployment is 23,3% points lower than the national official unemployment rate.

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The expanded definition which includes discouraged work-seekers and those having other reasons for not searching (e.g. Lockdown) showed 0,6 of a percentage point increase to 43,2% in Q1:2021 compared to Q4:2020.

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#StatsSA #unemployment

EC recorded the highest official and expanded #unemployment rates. LP, NC and KZN provinces have more than 15,0 percentage points difference between their expanded and official unemployment rates.

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The formal sector in South Africa accounts for 70,5% of total #employment. Formal sector #employment increased by 79 000 jobs between Q4:2020 and Q1:2021.

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#StatsSA #unemployment

#Trade, #construction and #agriculture have higher #employment shares relative to their GDP contribution.

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#StatsSA #unemployment

Youth aged 15-24 years and 25-34 years recorded the highest #unemployment rates of 63,3% and 41,3% respectively.

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Approximately 3,3 million (32,4%) out of 10,2 million young people aged 15-24 years were not in #employment, #education or training (NEET). The overall NEET rate increased by 1,7 percentage points in Q1:2021 compared to Q1:2020.

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The #unemployment rate among the black African (36,7%) population group remains higher than the national average and other population groups.

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Black African women are the most vulnerable with an #unemployment rate of 38,3% in Q1:2021.

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Irrespective of gender, the black African and coloured population groups remain vulnerable in the labour market.

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#StatsSA #unemployment #employment

Of the 15,0 million persons who were employed in Q1:2021, at least 8 in every 10 (81,3%) were expected to work during the national lockdown by the companies/organisations they work for.

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#StatsSA #employment

Professionals and managers were more likely than all other occupations to be working from home.

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#StatsSA #employment

91,3% of the employed continued to receive pay during lockdown compared to 88,9% in Q4:2020. 14,0% of those who received pay during lockdown were paid reduced salaries.

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#StatsSA #employment #income

About 9 in 10 graduates received their full salary in Q1:2021. The share of those receiving full salary increased irrespective of level of #education between Q4:2020 and Q1:2021.

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#StatsSA #employment #income

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