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Working on all things semi @OECD SIEN. I'm rarely here, just go to

Jun 30, 2021, 8 tweets

Good news everybody!

To enrich your summer break John (@J_B_C16) and I wrote about #semiconductors and #China!

We analyzed the global semi value chain across three strategic dimensions: industry competitiveness, #NationalSecurity and #resilience

cc @snv_berlin @merics_eu /1

First, we looked at the generic production steps - consisting of 3 process steps and 5 inputs.

For each we analyzed barriers to entry, market concentration, competitiveness of Chinese industry, Chinese policies, etc.

Based on that we then assessed each production step across 3 'strategic dimensions'.

Idea: What motivates a government to invest in/support its semi ecosystem or cooperate with allies?

Can we systematize that / come up with a framework for 'national interest'? Yes, we can!

How does this help? (you will have to read our 'Analytical Approach' section to fully understand, sorry.) 🧐

But here's an example how the 3 strategic dimensions interplay and how govts (in our case China, but it's applicable to any govt) can assess their national interest.

We then use that heat map / matrix to assess for each production step what this means for China specifically - in terms of the US-China #technology rivalry but also vis-à-vis #EU.

We furthermore provide on overview of China's #semiconductor policies, relevant ministries, funding instruments and guidance tools. Did I mention the annex that is packed with references to semiconductor-specific policy documents?

The best part: It's a 'modular' report so feel free (after reading the 'analytical approach'!) to dive into the section that interests you the most! 👌

And as always, it's all under CC-BY-SA.

You're welcome. 😉✌️…

Hat tip to @merics_eu for a great collaboration, more to come in winter 2021.

Specifically to John (@J_B_C16) - it's a blast to work with him and if you don't follow him already, you are missing out!

That's it. Stay tuned. ✌️…

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