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Independent investigative journalist with artistic & intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with little regard for conventional rules of behaviour.

Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

What is the Experiment, again?

"And #Covid is a project, however one tweezes it apart, of an unelected #billionaire #class that continues to amass enormous almost unthinkable amounts of money and property, beginning a #project of reshaping the #planet."…

"& their influence is now expressed in global corps &, more, in NGOs & institutions such as the #WHO & #WorldBank, the UN, & the #WEF. That they are ignorant of their own hubris is perhaps the most terrifying part of this entire scenario. This is the age of the rigid & weak ego."

"The eradication of the unconscious, of archaic dreams & collective imagination, the disenchantment of the world, & of the self, has taken place rapidly over the last 30 yrs ... & this disenchanted human is one who finds it hard to grasp the ideas of #class & economic #coercion."

"The #lockdowns & masks & the growing hysterical irrationality of govt voices []are reaching a pitch of hysteria...It is as if the pent up irrational has been unleashed, filters removed, & the age of the fantastical 4th industrial revolution is really the age of max. #pathology."

"The #Covid event had intensified (intentionally guided by western capital) the '#othering' mechanisms that fueled mid century fascism. However threadbare, the new Arab (Jew, Black, etc) is the #unvaccinated."

"The difference is the #unvaccinated can be redeemed by a simple injection. A simple #symbolic act of pseudo science, the spectator can be welcomed back to the int. community. For there is a new globalist facade (it takes a village) to the schoolmarm scolding of western leaders."

"The fact that these vaccines (which in fact they aren't, but rather gene editing treatments...) are apparently dangerous (the deaths from #AdverseReactions would in normal times be high enough for recall) is all baked into the #mythology, to the architecture of #sacrifice."

"The redemptive act must entail risk, that is the price of #inclusion...The 'othering', the #scapegoating, this is the convenient structure of #social #tension that the ruling class has always taken advantage of, and always with a good degree of success."

"The ascension of NGOs, & lobbying, the financialization of capitalism...has meant that daily life is more colonized by, firstly, commodities, but secondly, now, by algorithms...constant propaganda that can barely be called propaganda any longer. This is the new bio politics...."

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