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I'm a pediatrician committed to health equity and social justice. I'm also a father of 2 wonderful children of my own! Views = mine.

Jul 30, 2021, 7 tweets

Time for another 🧵 on current state of #COVID19 in Greater #Cincinnati. Short summary of all - #CovidIsNotOver and the data point to presence of #DeltaVariant in our midst. Every indicator going in wrong direction. What can you do? #MaskUp #GetVaccinated. Ok here we go ...

Incidence (new cases per population per time) and R (measure of transmission) are both in problematic territory. Below see Hamilton Cty and 14 Cty region. Incidence highest since May, R remains >1 indicative of exponential spread. Increases all across region.

We also illustrate incidence by county according to @CDCgov thresholds. This measure multiples the daily incidence by 7 for a weekly incidence. See counties in region below. All now at least in yellow zone - where universal indoor masking is recommended. #MaskMandate

Importantly, this is a phenomenon going on across ages. Below, see incidence trajectories by age and percentage test positivity by age. All going up, in wrong direction even as evidence suggests we are undertesting.

Incidence is translating to morbidity and strain on our community, patients, and hospitals. Below see the steady increase in #COVID19 patients in #hospitals, in #ICU, and on #ventilators. Also each highest since May. Steep, upward trajectories last 30d (hospital-top; icu-bottom).

We are seeing a slight uptick in those getting first shot though slope still flat. #DeltaVariant requires a higher degree of immunity across the population to achieve #HerdImmunity (likely ~90%). We are far from this locally, nationally, and int'lally. Hence importance of #masks.

In short, #CovidIsNotOver and there is real danger of getting worse before better. As we prepare for fall, please review guidance from trusted, evidence- & science-based sources. We get through this together or not at all. @CDCgov @AmerAcadPeds @CincyChildrens #testandprotect

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