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Don't sit idly by. Speak up. #Onpoli #ABleg #cdnpoli #uspolitics. #Disinformation decoder, #OSINT sleuth. Politics, dogs, music.🇨🇦🇺🇸🌻

Sep 1, 2021, 6 tweets

Remember the Yellow Vests Canada “United We Roll” AstroTurf “protests”? Where somehow supposedly out-of-work truckers had the money to fuel up transport trucks at a cost of multiple thousands of $$ (sporting anti-Trudeau slogans), travel across 🇨🇦, pay for meals & hotels? #Elxn44

It pretended to be “grassroots”. It was anything but. It was a mixture of #Conservative politicians at all levels of government, right wing propaganda media - Rebel, True North Centre etc (even a few CBC ppl). + white nationalists & other extremists #NeverVoteConservative #elxn44

#Conservative leaders were right in there. Promoting an obvious op, benefiting the fossil fuel industry & pumping out propaganda to stop #ClimateAction. This is the #CPC. A pro-extinction position, promoting denialism & #DarkMoney funded deceit. #NeverVoteConservative #elxn44

Mainstream #cdnmedia gave this op plenty of coverage, yet oddly downplayed that #Conservative leaders were shoulder to shoulder at an event with white nationalists like Faith Goldy & Soldiers of Odin. #NeverVoteCPC #elxn2021 #elxn44 #cdnpoli

As I said, #cdnmedia gave #UnitedWeRoll plenty of coverage…in spite of its puny numbers. But the failure to attract larger crowds wasn’t really a failure…because the propaganda fodder was the real point.

#NeverVoteConservative #elxn2021 #elxn44 #cdnpoli

All this is to illustrate that we’ve seen these types of influence operations by the right again & again. The narrative is laundered through multiple front groups, such as in this case, “Yellow Vests Canada” that in turn laundered the narrative some more:

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