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Sep 25, 2021, 41 tweets

noob: i wanna become hacker
hacker: are you ready to spend two years to learn just basics?
noob: no
hacker: good bye

Very well then - lesson One: Maths and Hobbies - YAN :)- #Hackers

Lesson Two: Encryption is nice - but true Ephemerality means you might never need it - YAN :)-

.. você pode nomear muitos objetos binários executáveis ​​ou arquivos que são compilados - em inglês - Senhor? 🇧🇷

Lesson Three: Actual hackers get out of trouble faster than they got into it - thus they survive to hack another day - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Four: The entire Internet was patched for free by stoned hackers - because of drunk hackers - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Five: Very experienced Hackers are acclimatized to efficiently economizing task time - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Six: The Internet brought an end to Strategic Magnetic Weapons testing .. for now - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Seven: Beware all who attribute to Hacking - events more easily explained by single administrative points of failure .. #BGP #FacebookDown 🚜 ⛏️

Lesson Eight: 21st century Hackers owe a very great deal to Fail Forward startup practice .. #EpikGOP #Texas 🇺🇸

Lesson Nine: Consultant Red Team #CosHackers perennially underestimate the threat profile assessment to insurance scope - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Ten: Why you learn to Hack is far, far more important than what you will come to Hack - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Eleven: Every time you power cycle your laptop, an Angel gets it's wings - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twelve: The media are neither your Friends nor your Lawyers .. #RollingStone #Hackers

Lesson Thirteen: There are places in this world where they just kill the Hackers - YAN #MillionMaskMarch2021 #Hackers

Lesson Fourteen: They know they are prey and train to a layered attribution stack for your inevitable arrival - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Fifteen: English remains the Swiss Army user documentation of languages - YAN #Hackers ⌨️ >= ⚔️

Lesson Sixteen: Never attempt a failed enterprise exploit twice - YAN #ChadLoder #Hackers

Lesson Seventeen: Letting your Casino to fail for the Insurance - is not - the same as letting hackers burn down your obfuscated Mastodon grift - YAN #TruthSocial #Hackers

Lesson Eighteen: You will remember why you hacked a thing far, far longer than how you hacked it - YAN #WauHolland #MMM2021 #Hackers

Lesson Nineteen: There remain important differences between Google University and the School of Hard Knocks - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twenty: Eventually, you will encounter a SysAdmin ( see Lesson Three ) - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twenty One:

~] sudo sed -i -e 1,15d /etc/fstab ; shutdown -p

YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Two:

" Congratulations to GitHub on their acquisition by Microsoft ! " - #GitLab 06/03/2018

YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Three:

Hacker Masters are invisible on the slab - YAN #MMM2021 #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Four

Ones with real eyes realize the rhythm of vision is a dancer and when they dance it's on the one

Going down you can see the sounds of silence, heartbeats seen with naked eyes

Ones With real eyes realize everything is on the one - YAN

Lesson Twenty Five: This thing of ours is a path, choose wisely contest winner - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Six: Then as now Japanese coding interface tools were the choice of professionals - YAN #Hagoromo #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Seven: Jack Valenti's contribution to 21st Century Hacking is greatly underestimated - YAN #DRM #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Eight: If they can poison you with enough lies - they expect you to no longer recognize evidentiary truths - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Twenty Nine: You very probably misunderstand - exactly why - a 10 year US federal prison sentence - YAN #CISGov #FBI #Hackers

Lesson Thirty: Review Lesson Two and Lesson Thirteen, respectively - YAN #NSOGroup #Hackers

Lesson Thirty One: Tatting your initials on a GPL team's work - does not - trump EULA - YAN #StreamLabs #OBS #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Two: ( see Lesson One ) - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Three: Your exquisitely byzantine firewall outsource bears - zero relevance - to who awaits it in the wild - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Four: Enlightened hackers REGEX potential event horizons, first - YAN #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Five: Elephant Murderers make poor bedfellows - YAN .. #GoDaddy #Hackers 🐘

Lesson Thirty Six: This thing of ours forges souls - some are inspired .. many run away .. some are made mad - YAN #Anonymous #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Seven: The vital element is the Hacker, not the handle - YAN #Twitter #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Eight: Elemental hackers know ephemrality not as a run state, but rather - masks for dreams - YAN #NobodysChattel #Hackers

Lesson Thirty Nine: Lifestyle technology journalists often misinterpret primary VPN use case scenarios, their Publishers and sponsors - do not - YAN #Hackers #TorProject #KAX17🧅

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