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Jun 8th 2023
💥How to WORK OUT if you’re shadowbanned💥


👇 Image
2) I just thought of a simple way to calculate if you‘re being heavily shadowbanned on #Twitter.

It involves comparing your interactions with Truth Social.

3) As you may know I was “permanently suspended” along with 70,000 froggies on 7th Jan 2021 in the “great purge”.

I was reinstated to #Twitter a couple of months ago - with half my followers.

I believe I was heavily shadowbanned prior to my ban and I reckon this continues.

Read 9 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
1)... People are now freaking out about the "Balloons" having and EMP on them to attack our military and shut down our infrastructure. I know that Pres. Trump was warned early in his administration about a possible EMP attack that would
2)... knock out all the power grids across the USA & Canada. So Pres. Trump took the advice and began hardening our military and building replacement generators for our Country's infrastructure so an EMP attack could be quickly repaired instead of the 10 years that
3)... was estimated to build all the replacement generators for Power Stations and substations LINKS:…………

Don't believe the fear Porn that the MSM are trying to spread about an EMP
Read 11 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Canada's privatised shadow civil service; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ The legislative chamber of ...
From Feb 8-17, I'll be in Australia, touring my book *Chokepoint Capitalism* with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We'll be in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra, and I hope to see you!… 2/ Image
Canada's privatised shadow civil service: Tories claim governments are incompetent, Liberals prove it.

3/ Image: Sam (modified) https...
Read 25 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Couple reasons why I think Elmo will pardon Trump and replatform him and a few why it's all fugaze and he will not.

Not: #1
Elmo is BMOC and thee major twit right now. The radical right have the simp meter at 11 and are hanging on his every tweet. The #MAGAking comes back and he's instantly relegated. In #MAGAworld there's room for only one to sit on the throne.
Not: #2
It's a work. I call this the Revenge of the Nerd theory. Trump called him a bull bleep artist. This had to wound him emotionally. Regardless of his little poll he nixes a reinstatement and doubles down on #DeSantis2024.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
How do you get people to notice crumbs?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Donald trumps restoration of power has been predetermined.

Who are these people?

#Trump #fridaymorning #QCrumb #election #cheating #Pelosi #USA #happyfriyay #Truth #TruthSocial… Image
Here's tweet.

Why is THIS important?

What distracts us from .@HillaryClinton & the Uranium One scandal?

#Russian #ElectionDay meddling?

.@POTUS45 called out #Russa hoax.

Russia hoax distracts from Uranium One & other things like stealing elections.

This looks like .@TedTurnerIII Bill Gates Sr. .@georgesoros David Rockefeller , Irene Diamond, Brook Astor & Leonore Annenberg.

Again, who are these people?

Can you connect the dots?

Where will these crumbs take us?…

#Trump #fridaymorning #QCrumb Image
Read 13 tweets
Nov 5th 2022

In this THREAD you'll see video of agents provocateur smashing windows, holding the Columbus Doors open with a pole, and PUSHING protestors inside

But what happened AFTER #January6th is even more shocking. 1/n…
If not for @elonmusk you would not know this.


The two men seen violently assaulting the Capitol on #January6th in the video above are but two of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY individuals at the forefront of the violence.

Yeah, we found more.


There were THOUSANDS of people in and around the Capitol on #January6th.

What makes these guys so special?

What makes these 120+ #insurrectionist unique is that the FBI has chosen not to include their images among the others being sought on the #J6 "Most Wanted" list

3/n Image
Read 58 tweets
Jul 24th 2022
#TruthSocial #research
Short Thread
How to find some accounts on Truth Social or to see if some user screen names are on Truth Social. Followed by how to find backlinks to a user on Truth Social.

To find some users w/an account on Truth Social try the following basic search- Image
#TruthSocial #research #Telegram
To find Telegram Accounts that are also on Truth Social try the following basic search- Image
#TruthSocial #research #Backlinks #Users
To find backlinks to a specific Truth Social User try a free backlinks checker with the user's Truth Social URL. Below are some examples using AHREFs. ImageImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Hach, hatte schon länger nur noch kleine Trolle. Aber gerade jagt #Homburg wieder seine Rest-Horden los, weil er #achgut ruiniert hat, ich antisemitische Verschwörungsmythen aufdeckte & beim echten #Wiesenthal-Institut in #Wien war. ☺️🙌🇩🇪🇦🇹🇪🇺
Das hier ist die Causa #achgut-#Homburg. Wenn die deutsche Wirtschaft aufhören würde, die Verbreitung von Verschwörungsmythen zu finanzieren, wäre das ein großer Erfolg für #Wissenschaft & #Demokratie, insbesondere #Medizin & #Klimaschutz:
Nun steigt die sog. #AchsedesGuten auch direkt ins Rechtsaußen-#Trolling ein! 🤭 Hoffe, fähige Journalist:innen gehen an die Story, die einen Einschnitt in die Finanzierung von Verschwörungsmythen durch deutsche Unternehmen bedeuten kann. ✊🙌 Dafür lasse ich mich gerne trollen! Image
Read 8 tweets
May 24th 2022
The leftist censorship continues as @YouTube permanently “terminates” our Frontline America channel today. I’m actually surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
@RealAmVoice @JackPosobiec @AmandaHead @bennyjohnson @jsolomonReports @ACTBrigitte @AP @Saorsa1776 @UniteAmerica1st @RepMTG
I thought it would happen during the four years of insurrection against President Trump but somehow ours was one of the few truth speaking channels that survived the propaganda Gestapo.
@KariLake @JennaEllisEsq @realLizUSA @AnnaPerezDC @DBrodyReports @stevegrubershow
It’s interesting that they waited until now to do it but they still had to go back to videos from two and three years ago to justify their actions, taking them down based on ubiquitous and enigmatic “community standard” violations - Never really telling you why.
Read 5 tweets
May 18th 2022
#TruthSocial Buyer Flags Trump's Many Business Failures to Investors…
Read 7 tweets
May 6th 2022

There are many who know just how @RoyalFamily are the opposite to what is being said controlled by people like yourself and #MSMLies @ChrisJack_Getty who have been seen blocking and ignoring a mother for 7 and a half years leaving
mum Toni aka Ruth Lovell @annelovell743 with a body in @HaringeyToday over 7 of the worse kind of #CrimesAgainstHumanity by the #AbuseOfPower in @GOVUK, the #CorruptioninGovernment just in the past 7 years alone that we #TonisArmy have witnessed who point blank refuse to sit
back and allow the next week to be wasted without hearing the voices of those who matter the very same voices who were silenced and remained @Invisible 50 years ignored by #TheQueens @royalsociety when @ClarenceHouse #JimmySavileABritishHorrorStory continues on #socialmedia
Read 17 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
No buy-ins, hefty prize pools, US players accepted, and all you have to do is to log into your player account and use a special password… Sounds like a ripper of an online slot tournament. The #TruthSocial is, such hot ticket offers are not on every corner but luckily, here at… CasinoSlots, we know where to find them. So, if it’s exactly what you have been looking for, congratulations, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading to find out everything about exclusive freerolls and, most importantly, how to ensure continuous… access to these incredibly exciting and rewarding events. In the sea of online slot tournaments, exclusive competitions stand out from the crowd because they are not organized by a casino alone but in collaboration with big gaming portals.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
No buy-ins, hefty prize pools, US players accepted, and all you have to do is to log into your player account and use a special password… Sounds like a ripper of an online slot tournament. The #TruthSocial is, such hot ticket offers are not on every corner but luckily, here at… CasinoSlots, we know where to find them. So, if it’s exactly what you have been looking for, congratulations, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading to find out everything about exclusive freerolls and, most importantly, how to ensure continuous… access to these incredibly exciting and rewarding events. In the sea of online slot tournaments, exclusive competitions stand out from the crowd because they are not organized by a casino alone but in collaboration with big gaming portals. For the latter,
Read 8 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
🚨Coolidge Reagan Foundation (which sponsors the conservative criminal defense nonprofit) just won BIG in their project against the Hillary Clinton campaign & DNC‼️
@DanBackerEsq secured $113K in fines for the illegal secret funding of the Steele dossier‼️
A combined $1,024,407.97 was paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign for Fusion GPS’s information. Both hid the reason, claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research.

DNC & CLINTON CAMPAIGN HANDED OVER $1M to lie to the public about Trump, then lied about their fraud.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
I am Rafee. An indigenous activist and herbalist.
My mission is reconnecting the indigenous American, falsely classified as black, back to land history and culture through the use of indigenous remedies. #FBA #ADOS #SaveMasonTN #SecureTheTribe order here👉🏾
Read 42 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
While it’s perhaps fun to dunk on #TruthSocial, the new Twitter clone from Trump for sign up glitches, it’s not uncommon for there to be tech jams when there is a lot of interest in an app. But I’m still signing up with my burner phone initially as I did with TikTok, because …
1. Possible security issues. 2. Possible privacy issues 3. Annoying marketing issues and 4. Anything this cloaked in secrecy (techies who are running it do not ID themselves?) gives me the willies.
Will be interesting to see how long the waitlist lasts, which is a either a marketing feint or a sign of tech incompetence. Either way with all Trump products so far, buyer beware.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
noob: i wanna become hacker
hacker: are you ready to spend two years to learn just basics?
noob: no
hacker: good bye
Very well then - lesson One: Maths and Hobbies - YAN :)- #Hackers So you say you wanna be a h...
Lesson Two: Encryption is nice - but true Ephemerality means you might never need it - YAN :)- Image
Read 41 tweets

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