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Oct 11, 2021, 7 tweets

#ClimateCrisis harms our health!
#ClimateCrisis harms our health!
#ClimateCrisis harms our health!

Limiting global warming to 1.5°C isn't only the right thing to do but also a shared responsibility for health.

🆕 WHO #COP26 Special Report explains why 👉

WHO's 10 calls for #ClimateAction❗️

1⃣ Commit to a healthy recovery
2⃣ Place health at the ❤️ of the climate talks
3⃣ Harness the health benefits of climate action
4⃣ Build health resilience to climate risks
5⃣ Create greener & healthier energy systems


WHO's 10 calls for #ClimateAction❗️

6⃣ Reimagine urban environments/transport/mobility
7⃣ Protect & restore nature
8⃣ Promote healthy, sustainable & resilient #FoodSystems
9⃣ Finance a healthier/fairer/greener future
🔟 Listen to the health community


Extreme weather events such as
🥵 Heat waves
🌊 Floods
🌪️ Storms
kill thousands & disrupt millions of lives, while threatening healthcare systems & facilities when they are needed most.
#ClimateAction protects our health 👉

People around the 🌐 breathe unhealthy levels of #AirPollution, largely resulting from burning fossil fuels driving #ClimateChange.

#ClimateAction could reduce the total number of global deaths from air pollution by 80% 👉

Ahead of #COP26, 3⃣0⃣0⃣ organizations representing at least 4⃣5⃣ million #HealthWorkers worldwide are calling for world leaders to step up #ClimateAction by limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and put health at the center of the plans.
Read more 👉

☎️ Will you take the #ClimateAction call❓
Countries must set ambitious commitments if they are to sustain a healthy & green recovery from the pandemic.
Here are WHO’s 🔟 calls to assure sustained recovery from #COVID19 👉

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