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FICC investor, researcher, energy observer. Covering China's business and market. #CN_Note #ChinaChart

Oct 13, 2021, 6 tweets

#China's most active thermal #coal up 8.15%, coking coal up 3.66%, #coke up 4.12% in the Wednesday morning.
#China #commodities #futures

Most-active Shanghai steel #rebar contract falls 3% in early trade.
#China #commodities #futures

#Manganese-silicon futures drops about 1.70%;
#Ferrosilicon futures down 0.39% on Wednesday.
#China #commodities #futures

Most traded live #hog futures contract in Dalian rises 4% at 15,945.00 yuan/tonne in early trade.
#China #commodities #futures #pork

#China's most active #ironore futures in Dalian down more than 4%, #SGX iron ore drops over 3%.

China's most active #manganese-silicon futures and #ferrosilicon futures plummeted more than 9% in the morning. @nid_rockz
#China #commodities #futures

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