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Apr 6th 2023
I recently spent two weeks in #Zambia, mainly in Lusaka, meeting clients, conducting research, speaking to government officials. Here are some of my key takeaways 🧵🇿🇲
DEBT - this issue came up everywhere, and with good reason. Not only is it driving macroeconomic instability, but the government is nowhere near concluding a deal. And why? Because its largest creditor, #China, isn't happy with the terms laid out by the G20.
It's NB to note Chinese debt is both bilateral (i.e. issued by govt) and private (e.g., held by companies/individuals). Govts generally don't mind debt repayments being deferred, but private creditors are different - they usually want their money back sooner, even at a loss.
Read 15 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
🚀 We are live! Here is the correct streaming link for all of today's discussions and performances, starting with a panel on complex time with David Krakauer, James Gleick, Ted Chiang, and David Wolpert in a few moments (measured linearly...):

"One of the ideas we had with #InterPlanetary was, 'What would it take to make science hedonistic? And instead of telling people to do it, you'd have to tell people to STOP doing it?"

- SFI President David Krakauer sets the tone for this weekend's celebrations
#IPFest Image
David Krakauer: "Do you have a favorite model or metaphor for #time?"

@JamesGleick: "You've already mentioned a river; that's everybody's favorite. Borges said time is a tiger. People talk about it as a thread. We ONLY talk about time in metaphors." Image
Read 141 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
Oct 12 2022: "Deep-sea miner stock jumps after first seafloor collection since 1970s"

The "#greatreset" (#Commonwealth w/ WEF as secretariat) includes deep sea #mining. The annihilation of #oceans carried out under guise of sustainability.

#UN #SDGs…
"The fields in the CCZ represent the largest known, undeveloped #nickel resource on the planet & is estimated to contain over 3 times the amount of #cobalt, almost 2 x the amount of nickel & as much #manganese as all global land-based reserves, combined."

#Privatization of the #oceans will allow for ocean exploration & deep sea #mining - both essential for the fourth industrial revolution infrastructure desired by the ruling class technocrats. #4IR #EVs #Salesforce

Learning thread:

Read 6 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
My updated NAV model:

Company: @ElectraBMC
Sector: #Materials #Refining #Mining
Ticker: $ELBM
CEO: @TrentMell
Recycling Peers: $ABML $LICY
Refining Peers: None (domestically)

#Cobalt #Manganese #Graphite #Nickel #Lithium #Aluminum #BlackMass #EV
*I'm Long-Bullish|Not advice* Image
Alternative forward looking valuation multiples (EV to EBITDA & Sales) Image
NAV valuation contribution Image
Read 25 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
"Animal-source foods are believed to contain the #meatfactor, a substance enhancing the absorption of micronutrients from plant-based foods"…
"it has been suggested that peptides, phospholipids &
mucopolysaccharides released during digestion of muscle tissue contribute in facilitating #iron uptake by mediating the formation of readily absorbable ferric oxohydrate nanoparticles"
But: "the enhancement in nonheme iron absorption is not at all influenced by the presence of heme in the muscle tissue [..] heme-free beef and heme-free chicken protein maintained the enhancing effect on nonheme iron absorption"
Read 6 tweets
May 31st 2022
Africa should take full advantage of current elevated prices to cash in on mineral wealth: The African continent is home to substantial reserves of #copper and #cobalt (in the Democratic Republic of the Congo—DRC—Zambia, South Africa and Zimbabwe), #diamonds (in Botswana and…
Angola), #platinum (in South Africa and Zimbabwe), #uranium (in Namibia, Niger and South Africa), #gold (in Ghana, South Africa and Sudan), #iron (in South Africa), #manganese (in South Africa, Gabon and Ghana), bauxite (in Guinea), #lithium (in Zimbabwe), #coal (in South Africa
and Mozambique), #naturalgas (in Algeria, Egypt and Nigeria) and #petroleum (in Nigeria, Angola, Algeria and Libya).
Read 8 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
When #EV OEMs need to become miners has been the Benchmark story of 2022. @benchmarkmin

What we mean by this is outlined in this thread:
Future EV demand is surging beyond the ability of the lithium ion battery supply chain to respond in full.
As we approach the end of the decade, the number of EVs that’s OEMs want to produce become impossible to make considering the critical battery raw material volumes in the pipeline … if all existing expansions and new mines make it, in most cases there still wont be enough
Read 14 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#RussiaUkraineConflict - we are getting a lot of inquiries about Russia and critical minerals, esp for #ElectricVehicles & #batteries

A few @benchmarkmin facts:

#Nickel is on red alert.

Norilsk is the world’s largest class 1 nickel producer accounting for 20% of global supply
Norilsk overall accounts for 7% of all in nickel supply. But EV makers, auto OEMs and battery cell producers will terrified of losing 20% of a market with prices already at decade long highs.
China will not place real any sanctions on Russia and as a result ensure all #nickel continues to flow into its mainland and into Chinese made battery cells and EVs

Follow @GregMiller_BMI @CDMRawles for more
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Feb 19th 2022
#UkraineKonflikt ?

For those who ask:
“Why does Ukraine matter? “

How the nation of #Ukraine ranks:

1st in #Europe in proven recoverable reserves of #uranium ores;

2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of #titanium ore reserves;

1/1 Image
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of #manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);

2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);

2nd place in Europe in terms of #mercury ore reserves;

3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale #gas reserves
(22 trillion cubic meters)

4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in #coal reserves
(33.9 billion tons)

Read 11 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
❗️High raw material prices are starting to push some lithium ion battery cell prices up

This is what ⁦@benchmarkmin⁩ warned of last year below

To understand batteries you need to know your supply chains #lithium #nickel #cobalt #graphite #manganese…
How Team @benchmarkmin called an end to the major declines in lithium ion battery prices.

A must read here:…
The way to keep battery costs low and falling is the inclusion and expansion of #LFP cathode which has expanded massively in China…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
#China's most traded thermal #coal futures up 5%, coking coal futures up 3.96%, #coke futures up 4.11% in the Friday morning.
#China #commodities #futures
Most active #manganese-silicon futures and #ferrosilicon futures in China Zhengzhou up 3.97% and 2.44% respectively in early trade.
#China #futures #Commodities #Ferro
Most traded Shanghai #pulp futures contract falls 5.14% in early trade.
#China #commodities #futures
Read 6 tweets
Oct 14th 2021
Most active #manganese-silicon futures and #ferrosilicon futures in China Zhengzhou slump 5% and 5.34% respectively in early trade.
#China #futures #Commodities
@nid_rockz ImageImage
China's most traded #PVC (polyvinyl chloride) futures contract hit the limit down at open.
#China #futures #Commodities Image
Thermal #coal futures in Zhengzhou, China, open 1.15% lower on Thursday, off Wednesday's record high, the authority said to boost 220 million tons of additional coal capacity per year.
Coking coal futures down about 4% and coke futures down 3% in Dalian
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
#China's most active thermal #coal up 8.15%, coking coal up 3.66%, #coke up 4.12% in the Wednesday morning.
#China #commodities #futures ImageImage
Most-active Shanghai steel #rebar contract falls 3% in early trade.
#China #commodities #futures Image
#Manganese-silicon futures drops about 1.70%;
#Ferrosilicon futures down 0.39% on Wednesday.
#China #commodities #futures
@nid_rockz ImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 26th 2021
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing on infrastructure this week:…

Lots of discussion about water use and wildfire management, but also commentary on nuclear power and critical minerals that may be of interest to investors. Image
In his opening remarks, Chairman @Sen_JoeManchin talked about supporting our “zero emission #nuclear fleet” and rebuilding our domestic supply chains by responsibly mining #criticalminerals
Ranking member @SenJohnBarrasso also opened with a mention of the “necessity of advanced nuclear”

It is notable that the two most senior members, Democrat and Republican, are both strongly supportive of #nuclear power.
Read 21 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
Just leaving this here 😏 🇬🇧

“Batteries... for #EV ... and we will back that vision, this government that backs Britain and believes in British innovation” @BorisJohnson @10DowningStreet @AlokSharma_RDG

A lithium ion economy coming to the UK.

The develop a lithium ion economy, UK must target three major supplies of lithium ion batteries - Tesla? LG Chem? SK Innivation? CATL? Panasonic?

It must build in parallel giga-sized anode and cathode plants to fuel these super sized battery plants.
Raw materials; Then to feed the cathode and anode plants it must look to securing 25% of raw materials domestically where economically possible (raw materials to precursor chemicals). It must help early stage developers and innovators #lithium #cobalt #nickel #graphite #manganese
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
Who controls the lithium ion battery to EV supply chain?

One of our most circulated charts updated with @benchmarkmin 2019 data and now incl #manganese #Mn

#lithium #cobalt #nickel #graphite Image
Big lesson from the China approach: if you don’t have the natural resources, be the guys that chemically refine their raw material #lithium #cobalt #manganese
Manganese has a more extreme supply chain imbalance than cobalt with 92% of chemicals used in lithium ion batteries produced in China.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2020
#NovaScotia has dozens of #manganese occurrences and had a bunch of mines in the 1800s and early 1900s, mostly along the south shore of the #BayofFundy.
Read this thread for details:

#nspoli @EastHantsChambr @EastHantsNS @KeithIrvingNS @JohnLohrMLA @mmillershubie @scottbrison ImageImage
For example, the Tennycape #manganese deposit (#HantsCounty, #NovaScotia) was discovered in 1861 and manganese was extracted from boulders overlying the bedrock in 1862.

#nspoli #NS #bayoffundy #hants Image
The actual Tennycape Mine opened in 1882 and became the largest official #manganese producer in #NovaScotia, with an estimated 4000 tons of ore reportedly extracted between 1880-1900.
#nspoli #ns Image
Read 9 tweets

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