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The @MCG_AUG Educational Innovation Institute (EII) champions excellence & innovation in health sciences education and educational scholarship.

Oct 19, 2021, 13 tweets

Our "Change Processes to Transform Health Professions Education" Twitter conference is tomorrow!

Follow all of the action at #MCGConf2021CP.

#MedEd #MedTwitter

#MCGConf2021CP will begin at 10:15am EDT with a keynote presentation by Dr. Gene Hall, right here at @AUG_EII.

#MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education #MedChat

Our #MCGConf2021CP schedule will be jammed pack from 10:15am to 3:30pm EDT.

BUT the conference doesn't have to end after the live event is over. Audience participants are welcome to interact with, ask questions, and make comments on presentations at any time.

After Dr. Hall's keynote, our #MCGConf2021CP conference presentations will begin at 11am EDT with "Data Driven Support of Change Management" by @AJKleinhex

#MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Data

At 11:30am EDT, we will have "Time to move from 'push' to 'pull: A collaborative process for implementing movement behavior curricula in undergraduate medical education" with @tami1016

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #medtwitter #educhat

At Noon EDT we will have "Change Processes to Transform Health Professions Education" with @EScanny82 and @sargentangela1

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education

At 12:30 EDT we will have "How do medical educators rate content when selecting courses: a scoping review" with @MarcelDEon24

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education

At 1:00pm EDT we will have "Measuring Aspirational Change: Innovation Configuration (IC) Mapping Background" with @AJKleinhex

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education

At 1:30pm EDT we will have "You don't need to be an English teacher: Transforming writing instruction in health professions programs" with @mmadsonjr

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #Education #EduChat #writing

At 2:00pm EDT we will have "Universal Design for Learning in Health Professions Education and Patient Care" with @hur2buzy

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #Education #EduChat #PatientCare

And at 2:30pm EDT we will have "How to rate content: which criteria is best" with @malshikarunati1

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #Education #EduChat

Really interested in one or more of the above presentations? Make sure to follow the presenters!

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #Education #EduChat #ChangeProcesses

This conference is designed to accompany an upcoming special issue of the Canadian Medical Education Journal (@CmejEditor):…

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education #ChangeProcesses

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