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Oct 20th 2021
#MCGConf2021CP Bridges are complicated. Travel is dangerous. Some designs work better than others. @AUG_EII
Just like implementation.
Gene Hall gave us a great overview of the change process, and how hard change is to manage successfully. #MCGConf2021CP @AUG_EII
Oops! Some bridges look great but are not sturdy enough. Others look simple but are rock solid. #MCGConf2021CP @AUG_EII
Read 14 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
#MCGConf2021CP Malshi Karunitalake, a medical student, has done most of the work & provided valuable insights. Marcel D’Eon conceived of the study and did the early set up. Harold Bull has helped with study design, recruitment, and data analysis. @AUG_EII
Considering the criteria used by judges to rate medical school content, which ones are “better”? #MCGConf2021CP @AUG_EII
#MCGConf2021CP @AUG_EII This is so coll. I love the microscope.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
You don’t need to be an English teacher: Transforming writing instruction in health professions programs

Michael Madson, Arizona State University

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd

Writing is an important part of health professions training, and there are numerous resources on writing available for students. There are far fewer resources available for faculty, who may often find themselves teaching or assessing writing. 2/
This thread suggests a few change processes, informed by the McKinsey 7-S model, that can help faculty “level up” their writing instruction. 3/
Read 14 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Hello again, #MCGConf2021CP! (If you didn’t join me earlier for Data Driven Support of Change Management, you should go check that out; my gif game was on point.) Let's take a closer look at one my favorite #CBAM diagnostic dimensions: Innovation Configuration Maps.
An Innovation Configuration Map (IC Map) is one of three diagnostic dimensions in the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (#CBAM), the framework I’m currently using to measure the implementation of @MCG_AUG’s new three-year curriculum. #MCGConf2021CP
An IC Map is ideally developed by the product owner or key stakeholders. Or, in the case of a complex innovation and/or rapid development, it can be constructed through observations of meetings, interviews, and document analysis by a tenacious researcher. #MCGConf2021CP
Read 12 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
#MCGConf2021CP Key question in the title: describe methods/approaches, suggest common categories, and then classify elements of those methods. Provide recommendations for research and development to enhance and strengthen the scholarship in this field. @AUG_EII
#MCGConf2021CP Anchored in outcomes, competencies, and content framework of curriculum. Broad consensus for this in med ed. (Barrow et al (2010); Prideaux (2007)).
We thought we were going to do a systematic review. The initial exploration surprised us. There was nothing systematic about content rating. We had undertaken a scoping review. Another review in this field had been conducted prior. #MCGConf2021CP @AUG_EII
Read 11 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Hello all! I am excited to present “Time to move from “push” to “pull”: A collaborative process for implementing movement behaviour curricula in undergraduate medical education”
- Tami Morgan, Queen’s University @QueensSKHS @Queensu
3rd year PhD Candidate
If you research or practice #PhysicalActivity in #MedEd, you may recall a number of “calls to action” issued over the years, “pushing” for medical schools to add physical activity to their overextended curricula—for more, see @CmejEditor editorial below & Part B soon in 12(5)
These calls to action have recommended that new objectives and learning hours be added to the curriculum, when medical educators have stated that they do not have time. Unsurprisingly, few medical schools have sustainably implemented physical activity in their curricula.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Welcome! Join me for a journey into the choppy waters of data driven change management in health professions education. But buckle up! Institutional change is messy and hard to measure. We're in for a wild ride. #MCGConf2021CP
The commonality of innovations in #MedEd is change management (CM). CM is complex & multifactorial; it's a process rather than an event. CM can either ensure success or prevent adoption. So integrated evaluation & support is critical to implementing any innovation. #MCGConf2021CP
At @MCG_AUG, I’ve embedded collection & reporting of change management data into the implementation of our new 3yr curriculum. I used a framework developed by our keynote speaker, Gene Hall. Drs. Hall & Hord wrote the book on ed change: #MCGConf2021CP
Read 14 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
"Thinking about 'Change!?'" with Dr. Gene Hall, PhD

#MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education
My agenda for this session.

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #EduChat #Education #MedTwitter
What are some of the changes you are currently involved with?

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education
Read 33 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
Our "Change Processes to Transform Health Professions Education" Twitter conference is tomorrow!

Follow all of the action at #MCGConf2021CP.

#MedEd #MedTwitter
#MCGConf2021CP will begin at 10:15am EDT with a keynote presentation by Dr. Gene Hall, right here at @AUG_EII.

#MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education #MedChat
Our #MCGConf2021CP schedule will be jammed pack from 10:15am to 3:30pm EDT.

BUT the conference doesn't have to end after the live event is over. Audience participants are welcome to interact with, ask questions, and make comments on presentations at any time.
Read 13 tweets

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