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Oct 20th 2021
"Thinking about 'Change!?'" with Dr. Gene Hall, PhD

#MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education
My agenda for this session.

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #EduChat #Education #MedTwitter
What are some of the changes you are currently involved with?

#MCGConf2021CP #MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education
Read 33 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
Our "Change Processes to Transform Health Professions Education" Twitter conference is tomorrow!

Follow all of the action at #MCGConf2021CP.

#MedEd #MedTwitter
#MCGConf2021CP will begin at 10:15am EDT with a keynote presentation by Dr. Gene Hall, right here at @AUG_EII.

#MedEd #MedTwitter #EduChat #Education #MedChat
Our #MCGConf2021CP schedule will be jammed pack from 10:15am to 3:30pm EDT.

BUT the conference doesn't have to end after the live event is over. Audience participants are welcome to interact with, ask questions, and make comments on presentations at any time.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
Sorry can we please use our language carefully. Schools are NOT “closed”. Teachers are not getting “extra holidays” they are teaching from home. You wouldn’t say it about any other person in the public sector. Are the banks and tax office “closed” just because...
Some members of staff are working from home. Teaching online is difficult. You have no idea. We have not been consulted in ANY of this. We are not “off”. Schools are not “closed”. Schools are moving online. Language is important. #edchatie #irishteachers #schoolclosures
My words will fall on deaf ears because we are always public enemy number 1. Why? Holidays. We don’t get a yearly bonus, company perks or cars. The reality is teachers work a lot more hours and assume multiple more roles than you think #irishteachers
Read 8 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
I'm SICK of everyone claiming we are going to have a generation of kids "left behind". What are they going to be behind in? Are we upset our kindergarten kids aren't reading their college texts and finishing their calculus? Give me a break. #EdChat
(Good) Teachers will do as they always have and address the gaps in their students learning so they may provide remediation as necessary. (Good) admin will do as they have and address areas of weakness and strategies for improvement in developing teachers.
As a society we must always look for improvements that can be made in every facet of our lives. We must also take time to appreciate the good things occurring around us.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 26th 2019
1/11 I was curious about TOP TWEETS IN 2019 about #dyslexia #research. Are you?
(note: removed those with no content, ads and clearly not "research-based (e.g., dyslexia fonts claiming it's research based), & abbreviated some of their original tweets)
3/11 "The research says it all, hiring people with dyslexia will help future-proof the workplace." by @richardbranson.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
As the new #academic year beckons, I'm preparing new lectures and materials, including on the EU single market. The irony that I, as a British citizen, may not be allowed to work in the EU without a visa post-March isn't lost on me.

#PeoplesVote #StopBrexit #edchat #educhat
Given that the UK will be days away from leaving the @DSMeu when I deliver one of the lectures... on the #digital #singlemarket it's going to call for some agile teaching because I have no doubt the UK government will still be making it up as they go along as they have thus far.
However, whatever the stress caused by this, my thoughts will be with fellow British lecturers, academics & researchers in the EU27 and EU27 lecturers, academics & researchers in the UK who do not know their future.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
Listening to the opening remarks for the #EdTech Winter School by @cristobalcobo.

'Not everything that counts can be counted'

#edtech #educhat #edchat
'Create connections to re-think #education inntje age of digital technology.'

#EdTechUy #EdChat #DigitalEducation
The first session of the Winter School is lead by @lucipangrazio on young people's literacies in the digital age.

#EdTechUy #EdChat #DigitalEducation #ChildRightsChat
Read 14 tweets

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