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Nov 3, 2021, 23 tweets

What is a #decentralized world without decentralized connectivity? @Syntropynet is the missing key part of #web3 where all blockchains should be run on a blockchain-powered internet. Syntropy is compatible with the current infrastructure and protocols for easy interoperability

Imagine being an #Enterprise where your own IT-department is screaming for interoperable and seamless automation of the infrastructure @Syntropynet takes away the bottlenecks for having that automation process where as you can manage your whole infrastructure on @SyntropyStack

In the next decade our digital world will transform into something we have never seen before where data is the new earning model of modern institutions and corporations. Ensuring privacy, data encryption, optimized performance and governance by the user.

The most reasonable use cases you can imagine for the upcoming years ahead are related to the #Metaverse with #gaming, #blockchain, #IoT, #VirtualReality and many more.

The crypto space is very nice and well, but having a project of this magnitude with all possible use cases is something to keep an eye on 👀. $NOIA will have a very broad space of operating, generating an immense amount of utility for the token.

Syntropy is what connects everything and anything together in a decentralized way. The most secure and optimized connections between every endpoint. Doesn't matter if you run applications on private-, public- or hybrid-cloud. Enabling the wide spectrum of interoperability.

Talking about the internet and everything related to it we can say @Syntropynet is solving the core problems and upgrading the current situation. The idea is that every kind of network can run on the Syntropy Network. #DARP is what makes this very unique with no competition.

What is DARP?

DARP stands for Decentralized Autonomous Routing Protocol that Syntropy uses to understand and analyze the internet’s pathways.

DARP nodes constantly share latency information, creating a global intelligence layer for internet pathways. $NOIA

Syntropy already has DARP enabled for it's clients and solved real world problems like outages and
congestions. Due to this intelligent routing protocol it saves entities from downtime and effectively high

Remember the #Facebook event?
Syntropy would've prevented that.

Read below how this would have been avoided by the thought of @Syntropynet's CTO @JSimanavicius 👇👇

DARP can be considered @waze or @googlemaps for the internet. DARP constantly measures if the routing path from source to destination is faster directly over the public internet or through intermediaries on the intelligence overlay network of Syntropy.

This kind of innovation and revolutionary tech, which is the first blockchain-based solution, is something that we have not ever seen before - marking the start of the only smart global overlay network where everyone can participate in. Powered by $NOIA

Decentralized connectivity - that's the missing part.

Personally I'd love to see collaborations between other projects and @Syntropynet. Doesn't matter if it's either specialized on #DeFi or #web3 in general - Syntropy works in parallel with other blockchains.


It's already known that @ElrondNetwork has an official collaboration with @Syntropynet, but we need more and eventually all will run on the Syntropy Chain.…

So what kind of ideas do I have in mind then?

Personal thoughts below:

- @graphprotocol $GRT
- @Conste11ation $DAG
- @chainlink $LINK
- @Polkadot $DOT
- @Filecoin $FIL
- @dfinity $ICP
- @ethereum $ETH

I'm quite the #web3 enthusiast 💎✌️

The project itself is amazing and very unique of it's kind in the crypto space, but the company also needs people to build this kind of technology - and of course market the products because the company is #B2B focused.

Let's talk about the all the hires that were acquired.

Starting with the most recent one @KevinGavinCMO

Kevin has more than 30 years of experience in enterprise software marketing and @Syntropynet welcomes him as new CMO. Gavin adds all-star power to Syntropy’s enterprise adoption growth.


Syntropy is at the middle of expanding massively and gain traction on their customer base, so Kevin is the perfect man to stimulate adoption across enterprises.

Full article below 👇…

Next up is @KnyckSutherland as new growth marketing manager. Knyck brings a deep passion for transformational technologies and years of experience growing communities and product awareness.

Following Tim Murphy who is the new Solution Architect of @Syntropynet coming from @awscloud as Senior Cloud Architect. Tim will play a significant role in new technology rollouts.

Below his Linked-In profile:…

With years of experience at @InputOutputHK and @LloydsBank, Malcolm Bloom is joining #Syntropy as the Change and Innovation Lead.

See below what Malcolm had to say about joining @Syntropynet 👇👇

Last but not least, the CRO of @Syntropynet - Jeffrey Lacouture.

With a proven reputation and deep industry expertise, he will be leading the acquisition of large customers onto the #Syntropy network.

Previously worked for 10 years at @Cisco 👀👀…

Syntropy is needed in the internet since this will grow exponentially over the coming years.

@Syntropynet will rethink the internet for everyone. $noia

@TheCryptoDog @CryptoCapo_ @coinbureau @AltcoinDailyio @oddgems

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