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Nov 17, 2021, 27 tweets

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit #SriAgenda just started ⚡ #Nov17

about 700 people are attending this webinar, that proves today's topic is crucial, says @fbicciato1 Secretary General @ItaSIF in his opening remarks…

#sustainablefinance #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment #greenfinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 congratulations for sharing the knowledge and raising awareness of #sustainablefinance, the 20th anniversary @ItaSIF is celebrating this year is impressive, says Ulla Hudina-Kmetic, Deputy Head of Unit, DG GROW

#SettimanaSRI #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment #greenfinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 we aim to mobilize €1tn of sustainable investments, says Ulla Hudina-Kmetic, adding that the EU Taxonomy is basically a common classification

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 Italy's economic system is a sort of 'laboratory' with regard to the central role played by #SMEs, they're going to be fundamental in the implementation of the PNRR (the Italian version of the so-called 'recovery fund'), says @fbicciato1

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 some key findings

✅ 🇮🇹 #SMEs are already active on #sustainability
✅ but in general they don't communicate properly (sustainability reports the most commonly used tools)
✅ as a consequence, investors complain of a lack of data/info

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 amongst 🇮🇹 #SMEs, expressing their own #CSR values is the most common motivation for being active and communicating on #sustainability

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #reporting #ESG #responsibleinvestment

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 now for 🇮🇹 #SMEs, but it's not that different amongst large companies, communicating on #sustainability is a problem, many standards/guidelines, lack of relevant data, many are convinced their stakeholders on average are not interested, says Prof. @A_DelGiudice


@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice in brief, @A_DelGiudice says the challenge now for 🇮🇹 #SMEs is to switch from a #CSR-driven communication to an #ESG-driven communication

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment #sustainability #greenfinance #reporting

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice first of all #banks but also financial investors, for ex. #privateequity funds, could represent the main driver to a better #sustainability communication for 🇮🇹 #SMEs, says @A_DelGiudice

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment #greenfinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice assessment models used by #ESG rating agencies usually underestimate #SMEs' #sustainability performaces since their rating methodologies are more tailored to large and listed companies, says @A_DelGiudice

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #sri #responsibleinvestment

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice additional investments for approximately €650mld will be needed in the next decade for the green transition, prodiving #sustainability info/data will be key to 'attract' investments, says @FBrunori4 Head of Financial Affairs, Confindustria

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 sooner or later the #greenassetratio will be mandatory, banks and financial operators will have to comply with it, says Adelaide Mondo, Corporate Lending and Solutions Officer @GruppoBPER_PR

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #greenfinance #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR #SMEs must be accompanied throughout the green transition, some of the main issues here are: setting, measuring, managing improvement #sustainability targets, and - on our side - defining a premium system, says Anna Roscio from Intesa Sanpaolo

#SettimanaSRI #sustanablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR one of the main issues with regard to #SMEs and #sustainability is to define a #commonlanguage: what info are most needed, and how to report them, says Alessia Sabbatino, Co-Founder, Ventitrenta

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #BCorp @assobenefit @BCorpItalia @BCorpEurope

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR @assobenefit @BCorpItalia @BCorpEurope @Lucia__Silva we mustn't forget that gathering #sustainability / #Esg infos comes at a cost, it requires organising, it's demanding, says @FBrunori4 underlining that the availability of common standards is key in this space

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR @assobenefit @BCorpItalia @BCorpEurope @Lucia__Silva the #sustainablity transition is ongoing, moreover it has to happen fast, it's both a big challenge and a huge opportunity, #banks must play a crucial role on this, says Adelaide Mondo @GruppoBPER_PR

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance #sri #esg #responsibleinvestment

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR @assobenefit @BCorpItalia @BCorpEurope @Lucia__Silva it's an all-female panel today, it's only me who represents the 'blue quota for men' says moderator, journo and #sustainablefinance expert/advocate @vdangerio kidding around

#welldone @ItaSIF 👍

#SettimanaSRI #WomeninSRI #SRIWomen @SustWomen @30percentclub @GenderEconomy

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR @assobenefit @BCorpItalia @BCorpEurope @Lucia__Silva @vdangerio @SustWomen @30percentclub @GenderEconomy if I were a #SMEs entrepreneur, I would look very closely first at the #environmental / #climate side of my biz, though the social side is not marginal, in the end also #SMEs must embrace a #justransition approach, says @Lucia__Silva

#SettimanaSRI #sustainablefinance

@ItaSIF @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit @fbicciato1 @A_DelGiudice @FBrunori4 @GruppoBPER_PR @assobenefit @BCorpItalia @BCorpEurope @Lucia__Silva @vdangerio @SustWomen @30percentclub @GenderEconomy there's a 'struggle' underway at global level w/ regard to what #sustainability #reporting #standards will prevail, says @Lucia__Silva adding she has to fill out abt 25 sustainability questionnaires on average coming from a number of #Esg agencies/institutes etc.


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