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Posting and retweeting news since 2010, mostly on Ukraine

Feb 5, 2022, 43 tweets

Late start today but here we go!
#Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦/ #Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί thread

#US troop reinforcements arrived in #Poland this morning - Polish army

There was shelling north of #Donetsk this early morning. Photo was taken from Kievsky district, reportedly showing a burning structure. #DPR accused Ukrainian Army shelling the city with 120mm mortars

Large group of Russian soldiers with baggage filmed at railway station in Buynaksk, Dagestan

#US believes #Russia plans nuclear exercise to warn west over #Ukraine…

There are fears Putin will use the nuclear exercises as a deterrence against #US and #NATO if he decides to invade #Ukraine. The exercises could have been deliberately rescheduled to coincide with an attack.

One Ukrainian soldier was wounded due to shelling today

Russian tanks in Kursk

Train with tons of Russian equipment filmed in Bryansk, including multiple BMP-2's

Helicopter activity in #Belarus, Brest region

Russian soldiers on the move in a truck, location unknown

Krasnodar, #Russia

2S3 Akatsiya 152mm howitzers on a train in the Rostov region, #Russia

A formation of unmanned An-2 aircraft flying in #Russia, exact location unknown. People say in the Nagorno-Karabakh war, they were used for spotting and decoys for air defence systems. Interesting..

Rechitsa, #Belarus

Large Unity March in #Kharkiv today

Pro Russian forces dropped four improvised explosive devices on the village of Pavlopil in the #Donetsk region according to the local military-civil administration…

Uptick in videos from Bryansk and Rostov region, an area under close surveillance by recon flights last night. There is no doubt anymore #Russia is now moving a large amount of soldiers to the border.

The passage through the Bosphorus into the Black Sea was announced for 6 Russian landing ships and 1 submarine on February 7-9

Russian equipment stationed at "long term" camps near the border with #Ukraine (e.g. Yelnya) is being moved closer to the border according to multiple accounts tracking such movements and satellite pictures

Check this thread, absolutely amazing work by @COUPSURE, scary deployments. Scroll down this man's thread and leave him some dollars if you can because these pictures are expensive af.

Uff..crazy..#US recon planes already watching them.

Reportedly Chechen soldiers at the Opuk training ground in #Crimea

Vyazma, #Russia between Moscow and Smolensk

Krasnodar, #Russia

Orjol, #Russia

Belgorod, #Russia

Huge accumulation of equipment south of Rechitsa, #Belarus, ~40km to the border with #Ukraine

Equipment on the move on roads in Zyabrovka, Gomel, #Belarus. This is only 25km from the border with #Ukraine.

Yelnya at night. Equipment loaded on trains, likely moving it to staging areas closer to the border with #Ukraine.

Kursk, #Russia

Buynaksk, Dagestan. Equipment and personal being loaded onto trains.

Russian Iskanders on the move north of Bryansk

Large Russian airlifts towards the border with #Ukraine right now

Russian Airborne TroopsπŸ‘‡

OMON BTR's and trucks reportedly in Kursk. Number plate 15 is from North Caucasus region.

Over 1700 people are tracking Russian airlifts live right now. Crazy times..

Made a stupid mistake here. Black military license plates are of course different. 15 is Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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