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Mar 8, 2022, 6 tweets

πŸ”΄ Can #Ukraine defeat #Russia?

"We know that Russia cannot accomplish the objectives it set out to accomplish, which is to completely occupy and subjugate Ukraine", General H.R.McMaster @LTGHRMcMaster told @mperelman in an exclusive interview:

@LTGHRMcMaster @mperelman πŸ”΄ #EXCLUSIVE - "#Putin invaded #Georgia in 2008, he invaded #Ukraine in 2014." He's been engaged in a sustained campaign of subversion against the former territories of the Soviet Union."

Watch the full interview with @LTGHRMcMaster:

@LTGHRMcMaster @mperelman πŸ”΄ #EXCLUSIVE - "Remember #Grozny in 1999 (...) look at #Aleppo in #Syria (...) We can no longer have any delusions about Vladimir #Putin (...) He's going to destroy some of Europe's most beautiful cities."

@LTGHRMcMaster urges Western countries to do more to help #Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ ‡️

πŸ”΄ #EXCLUSIVE - "A lot more can be done (...) We cannot just sit back"

@LTGHRMcMaster urges Western #NATO allies to send sophisticated weapons and set up training posts in the west of #Ukraine:

@LTGHRMcMaster πŸ”΄ Is the goal of the #US and its allies to transform #Ukraine into a new #Afghanistan for #Russia?

@mperelman asks @LTGHRMcMaster. Watch his exclusive interview here:

@LTGHRMcMaster @mperelman πŸ”΄ "#Putin cannot compete militarily with conventional military. The Russian army has been in some ways 'a #Potemkine army' in terms of its ability to operate in close combat."

"Putin has already made an historical mistake," @LTGHRMcMaster tells @mperelman ‡️

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