Zafar Sahito Profile picture
Founder and Central Chief organizer of JeaySindhFreedomMovement @JSFMOfficial Sindhi nationalist , Writer.

Apr 1, 2022, 5 tweets

After month long campaign(Feb20-March23) “Declare Pakistan A Terrorist State” #SanctionPakistan by @JSFMOfficial Zafar Sahito the signed draft will be submitted to all #US departments.1/5
@TahaSSiddiqui @calxandr @HabibKhanT @DRL_AS @RepScottPerry @TulsiGabbard @SenTedCruz @ANI

During month long campaign 3 protests, car rally & conference were held in #Houston #Sacramento #WashingtonDC also 3 webinars & Twitter trend #SanctionPakistan was organized.2/5
@arifaajakia @Mirza45994191 @BilalMangal2 @KhorBibi @AfghanUnheard @Manga4Congress @SheriffTNehls

The campaign was supported & attended by Pashtuns, Afghan, Baloch, Sindhi & various human rights organizations, activists & minorities groups persecuted by fundamentalist Pakistan. 3/5
@_PriyaSaha @SengeHSering @PTMUSA1 @shahisadat @GulBukhari @SalihHudayar @MujiKha02026661

The main motive behind campaign “Declare Pakistan A Terrorist State” #SanctionPakistan was to expose Pakistan’s terrorist role, state sponsored terrorism & promoting radical Islamist to terrorize world & crimes against humanity specially religious minorities. 4/5

During campaign role of #CCP #CPEC #China #Iran #Pakistan #Talibans nexus & promotion of terrorism was highlighted. As #CCP is financing radical Islamist groups to dominate world. 5/5
@ForeignAffairs @francediplo_EN @GermanyDiplo @IndianDiplomacy @10DowningStreet @IsraeliPM

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