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Apr 20, 2022, 8 tweets

#Mariupol Update and ISW Map - small pockets of resistance remain in the urban parts of the city, but are primarily small groups of 1-4 defenders that were able to remain hidden. At the #Azovstal Plant, the #Russian forces have made entry and are actively clearing the grounds.

#Chechen fighters have been filming in warehouses of captured equipment and engaging in sporadic fighting with #Azov and #UAF still inside the main buildings. #Chechen TikTok videos have limited combat footage in them, which likely means little fighting is still taking place.

This morning 120 Ukrainian civilians left the plant via a humanitarian corridor, but were being guided by 🇷🇺 to an unk location. The #Ukrainian defenders in #Azovstal likely have near zero manpower or ammo, but did use an ATGM to destroy a #Russian armored vehicle this morning.

One question that has been asked repeatedly is whether or not their is a chance for a breakout or air resupply/reinforcement of #Azovstal. Our assessment is that #Ukraine doesn’t have the capability to effectively conduct any sort of logistics movement into #Mariupol.

#Russians have air defense coverage of the sky for 100 miles around #Mariupol and any sort of rescue mission would almost certainly be intercepted and destroyed. The #Mariupol defenders have made it clear that they plan to fight until the last man.

New footage from around #Mariupol #Azovstal Plant shows DNR fighters and #Russian Spetsnaz clearing the exterior of the main plant buildings. Most of the complex has now been captured by #Russian forces. Some low intensity fighting continues.

Additional footage of #Russian artillery strikes on #Azovstal.

Here is a new map of #Mariupol that gives some scale of the level of destruction in the city. Many of the white areas are parks, forests or fields as you can see in the 2nd picture. Recall that the Mayor of #Mariupol said the city had been “wiped off the face of the earth”.

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