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Apr 21, 2022, 5 tweets

#Izyum Axis and ISW Map - #Russian forces made small gains around #Severodonetsk by fully capturing Stara Krasnyanka and consolidating gains around #Kreminna. #Russia also appears to be making headway in #Rubizhne with #Ukraine troops pushed out of the city center. 🧵

To the south of #Izyum, the #Russians have pushed into the village of Dibrovne (circled in white) and the area is now contested. 🇷🇺 assaults on several smaller villages in the area were repelled by #Ukrainian forces.

To the south of #Izyum #Russian forces were stopped before reaching the city limits of Dovhen’ke. #Ukraianian troops inflicted heavy losses on the attacking 🇷🇺, who retreated after suffering too many casualties.

In #Popansa, #Russians continued their assault on the city, but thus far have been unable to take the city center. #Ukrainian armed forces have been holding their lines and inflicting heavy losses.

To the east, #Russian forces have captured Tors’ke and are consolidating gains in the area prior to a likely assault on #Zarichne. 🇷🇺 will have difficulty crossing the Zherebets River as #Ukrainains have taken adv of choke points like these to great effect in the past.

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