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May 16, 2022, 6 tweets

Our co-founder @JKim_Tran shared about #NFT utility from a #dev perspective at @openwebfounders.

👇Here is what you can learn about #web3 #dev when building for #NFTutility.

Building for #NFT utility requires multiple features.

You need to build for NFT #distribution, #data, and #validation, or partner with other platforms for different features.

When choosing #web3 dev tools, here is an evaluation checklist:

1) Other platform #adoption
2) Can they keep up with your growth? Does their #roadmap align with yours?
3) How to get help?
4) #web3community is small. Can you get a direct line with the #founders?

#Blockchain was not built with different #utilities in mind.

You will probably need to use centralized tools (for now).

(i.e. You cannot stream video on @IPFS yet)

Developers need community-driven #evaluator of the best tools.

Most tools in #web3 are invalidated but doesn't mean they are not usable.

#Developers have to maintain a large #techstack with a mix of decentralized and centralized tools.

Since #web3community is small without major #opensource, it is easy to pick the wrong tool.

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