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May 18, 2022, 5 tweets

1/ Map Update #UkraineMap #Russian, launched an offensive to totally take the city of #Dovhenke
so the city is partly still under #Ukrainians control
General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / 18 May 2022
#Ukraine #UkraineWar #ukrainemap #UkraineUnderAttaсk

2/ here too we can understand with the topo map i show on the previous tweet how #Russians are "blocked" par this ridiculosly small city... and by geographical natural barriers as small rivers or valleys under hills controlled by ukrainians.
reminder : this is the village :

3/ Also you have to rember that when they entered the area almost a month ago with a staggering 22 BTGs this was how it looks.
(22 avril 2022 after 2 weeks of major offensive)
so.. eventually of course #Dovhenke #Довгеньке will "fall" but no major "blow".
& Russ have major losts

4/ So.. after failing the attack on #Dolyna #Долина & #Krasnopillya Today the Russian fascist invaders shelled (plus jet/helos attacks) on "military targets" but killed civilians in Pryshyb, Hrushuvakha and #Bohorodychne #Богородичне
but nothing's change
Gen Staff - 19 Mai 2022

5/ #Hrushuvakha #Грушуваха is the next small village just at the exist of #VelykaKomyshuvakha (Russ took the place last week) so the question is do they want to take it too or do they simply want right now to eliminate close threat on their flank while progressing south!? #UAarmy

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