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The Thesis Guy⏐Doctor turned Crypto Thesis Researcher & Ghostwriter for Web3 Founders⏐Building the Founder's Voice 👉

Jun 1, 2022, 31 tweets

#Ethereum's account-based model & smart contract based on Solidity is a marriage made in hell

Vasil-HFC Event is on the horizon

& its time to unleash synergies of #Cardano's EUTxO model & Plutus

Here's a thread on why EUTxO model & functional programming is what DeFi needs🧵👇

The ultimate goal of #Blockchain

Is to replace the corrupt & centralized traditional financial system

To create an inclusive global financial system to bank the unbanked

But are we going to do it with a system that is more problematic than what we have now?

#Crypto in general & DeFi has seen massive growth in the last decade

DeFi-exploits have also seen proportional or even bigger growth

This makes us realize the fundamental requirement of the system we want to be a part of

A blockchain architecture that offers safety & security

A blockchain architecture that is designed to host mission-critical DApps

And when it comes to simple & elegant design that offers safety & security

There are two examples out there

•UTxO model of #Bitcoin

•& functional programming with #Haskell

#Cardano combines both of these worlds

• By Extending #Bitcoin's EUTxO-model

#Cardano created the EUTxO-ledger architecture

• Powered by smart contracts based on Plutus

• Which in turn provides a safe, full-stack programming environment based on #Haskell

So why is the combination of

#Bitcoin's UTxO-ledger model & functional programming with #Haskell

A marriage made in heaven!!

When compared to something terrible like

#Ethreum's Accounts-based model & imperative programming based on Solidity

So to understand why #Cardano choose a fundamentally different architecture to #Ethereum

We should understand the synergies between

• UTxO-Model & functional programming

So let's dig a bit deeper !!

To understand the principles behind functional programming

So what is functional programming?

Functional programming is the process of building software

By composing pure functions

Which avoids 👇

• shared state

• mutable data

• & side-effects

So what are pure functions?

In the context of computation,

A pure function is analogous to a mathematical function

Which is the basis for all formal scientific reasoning

It is a function (a block of code)

that always returns the same result if the same arguments are passed

A function must follow four rules to behave like a function in math:

• It must always take an argument

• It must always return a value

• It must not depend on anything that changes

• It must not change anything by itself

A function with such properties is called "Pure"

Pure functions are "Stateless" and "timeless"


Pure functions are easily parallelizable since they encourage immutable data structures

Which reduces the side-effects

That makes code hard to run on multiple processors

Just like #Bitcoin's UTxOs

Functions are also just mappings from inputs to outputs 

It does not depend on any state or data change during a program’s execution

There are no external states & side effects

This gives certainty & predictability to the behavior of the code

Haskell has 1st-class functions

A programming language is said to have 1st-class functions

When functions are no different from any other variable


•Functions can be used as arguments

•Can be returned as values from other functions

•& can be assigned to a variable

1st-class functions allow to abstract out

Any repetitive computation from the code

And ultimately enables to write functions that produce other functions

These functions are referred to as higher-order functions

Higher-order functions simply mean

Functions that are operating on other functions

Why is it useful?

1. Higher-order functions raise the level of abstraction


It allows to abstract over actions & not just values

Thus, we don’t have to reason about lower-level details

2. Higher-order functions are key to parameterizing code by behavior


It allows us to define common programming patterns

And write functions about functions

Having higher-order functions is where a lot of the benefits of functional programming come from

In a nutshell,

•Functional programming uses mathematics-like values & functions

•To yield results that have no outside influence & are well-evaluated throughout

•leading to a more parallelizable transparent & cleaner code

•That helps the user in debugging & maintenance

On the other hand

Programming in a dynamic environment with object-oriented programming

Results in the creation of huge "Dependency Hell"

Resulting in adding abstraction on top of abstraction to modularize complex systems

This results in a "shared mutable state/global state"

When submodules try to access the global state simultaneously

complexity arises & it results in a chaotic programming environment

Just like the Account model of #Ethereum

Where there's Global State & transactions fail in mid-script execution

After taking fees from the user

If we could use our common sense and consider the above-mentioned reasons

A pure functional programming language like #Haskell

should ideally be the go-to programming language for dApps

which are enabling financial transactions north of billions of dollars

Haskell is similar to the UTxOs of #Bitcoin

where the pure function is a mapping from input to output 

& #Ethreum's account model is similar to object-oriented programming

Accounts are similar to objects

where they send messages to each other in a dynamic & distributed setup

Although he had the knowledge of the Account-based model

When Satoshi invented #Bitcoin , he choose the UTxO-Model

Because the semantic model of the ledger stays simple

In a complex distributed and dynamic computing environment

The UTxO-model has very limited expressiveness of programmability

This limitation of #Bitcoin is what motivated Vitalik

To choose the Account-based ledger model for #Ethereum

But this resulted in the creation of a "Global state"

& this complicates the programming of dApps

#Cardano took a methodical approach

Extending #Bitcoin's UTxO model with scripts & arbitrary data

& by using #Haskell based Plutus programming language

Where the side-effect free nature of E-UTXO transactions

Maps perfectly into the pure-functional nature of Haskell functions

The arbitrary logic/scripts allow the E-UTxO model to have more expressiveness

The arbitrary data carries with it information about the state of outputs

which enables the contract state to be localized as the state is localized

There is no notion of a ''Global state''

In #Ethereum

to write a smart contract you write the on-chain code in solidity

then a Javascript code for the off-chain part that runs in the wallet

This is inconvenient

As you have to develop an ad-hoc integration between the two pieces of code

Which is Complex and Fragile

#Cardano's Plutus Platform uses Haskell for the off-chain & PlutusTX for the on-chain code

That compiles down to Plutus Core

Enabling the use of same syntax, compiler & data types in both parts of the code

Which translates into an integrated, compact & robust programming model


Its a lot easier to reason about the behavior of a smart contract

While programming a smart contract in Plutus

It won't be too difficult to actually prove that

Code will behave exactly how it is supposed to

Enabling easily verifiable code for secure & safe dApps

We cant build the future of open global finance on platforms where multimillion-dollar hacks occur on a weekly basis

It has to be built on a platform

That has put enough work and thought

To build not only scalable but secure & safe dApps

#Cardano is melding the best of both worlds with E-UTxO-model

combining the elegant & simple architecture of #Bitcoin's UTxO-model

that maps perfectly into the pure-functional nature of Haskell functions




•& scalability

To the #Blockchain world

If you found this thread valuable:

1. Toss me a follow for more threads on #blockchain technical deep dives

2. Here’s another thread on "EUTxO and Parallelism" that you may find useful :

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