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Jul 1st 2022
Governance is a crucial component of #Decentralization

This is something that #Bitcoin & #Ethreum conveniently ignore

But, #Cardano is built based on 1st principles & governance is a key focus of development

Here is a thread on Governance, Voltair era & Project Catalyst🧵👇
Like the way, democracy unshackled regular citizens to grab power from the feudal lords

#Bitcoin was the 1st movement

Enabling regular citizens to grab power from the flawed financial institutions

To create a fair, transparent & inclusive financial system

To bank the unbanked
But #Bitcoin has a fundamental flaw, which #Ethereum inherited

"Lack of Governance"

This lack of governance resulted in major community splits

Ethereum & Ethereum Classic as a result of a hack in 2016

Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash over the debate of the network's scalability in 2017
Read 30 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
#Ethereum's account-based model & smart contract based on Solidity is a marriage made in hell

Vasil-HFC Event is on the horizon

& its time to unleash synergies of #Cardano's EUTxO model & Plutus

Here's a thread on why EUTxO model & functional programming is what DeFi needs🧵👇
The ultimate goal of #Blockchain

Is to replace the corrupt & centralized traditional financial system

To create an inclusive global financial system to bank the unbanked

But are we going to do it with a system that is more problematic than what we have now?
#Crypto in general & DeFi has seen massive growth in the last decade

DeFi-exploits have also seen proportional or even bigger growth

This makes us realize the fundamental requirement of the system we want to be a part of

A blockchain architecture that offers safety & security
Read 31 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
''Determinism'' is a core feature of #Cardano's E-UTxO ledger model

This is one of those features that differentiate and brings an edge over the indeterministic nature of #Ethereum's Account based ledger model

So let's dive in and explore the concept of ''Determinism'':🧵👇 Image
So what is Determinism?

in the context of transaction and script processing

Determinism is the ability that enables a user to predict the impact and outcome of a transaction locally (off-chain)

before the actual on-chain execution of the transaction
This is a core feature of E-UTXO-based blockchains, like Cardano

So why are E-UTxO-based blockchains deterministic?

What is the feature that allows for the off-chain predictability of the outcome of the transactions?
Read 12 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
Ethereum's Account-based ledger model is dominating the DeFi space for now!!

but DeFi on #Cardano is on the rise.

Here are the reasons why E-UTxO ledger archictecture of #Cardano is superior to the Account-based model of #Ethereum

So what are the different ledger models?

1. #Bitcoin 's UTxO (Unspent Transaction Output) - ledger model

Satoshi invented #Bitcoin to be the permissionless decentralized internet money

Bitcoin introduced the UTxO ledger model to fulfill that purpose in the most elegant way
In the UTXO ledger model

individual transactions consist of a list of ''inputs'' and ''outputs''


the sum of the values consumed by a transaction’s inputs must equal the sum of the values provided by its outputs
Read 20 tweets

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