@marcusfitzsimons.bsky.social Woke Green Socialist Profile picture
@marcusfitzsimons.bsky.social #ProgressiveAlliance #FBPA #FBPPR #FBPE #FBNHS #ScrapNHSBill #GTTO #Climate #FreePalestine. Be aware: Animal Lover. He him his

Jun 14, 2022, 157 tweets

rule breaking

rampant corruption in PPE contracts

entire Church of England condemning Nazi style deportations

Queens Council writing to PM demanding dialling down of rhetoric

tory cronies appointed to public bodies

upper house crammed with #Brexshit sycophants

=Germany 1938


Elections Bill

Policing Act

Right to Protest removed

Tory ex pat donations allowed from abroad

NHS reform Bill

Secrecy Act - journalists threatened with 14 yrs in prison for reporting negatively about tories


this govt is not conservative - I keep saying this!

it is a hard-right, nationalist, authoritarian dictatorship

now ministers are openly talking about expelling CofE bishops from the House of Lords for speaking out against Rwanda deportations

The ECHR was proposed & kinda created by Churchill and was MAINLY written by BRITISH lawyers, to protect humans FROM GOVERNMENTS LIKE OURS!

The European Human Rights Court recognises that those people getting called illegal immigrants are in fact ASYLUM SEEKERS:

Wikipedia page on the Court of the Council of Europe (which has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EU)

this sums up perfectly where I honestly believe we really are (thanks @sconnorswrites)

when Queens Council writes to govt demanding a dial down in rhetoric, ordinary citizens should REALLY SIT UP & PAY ATTENTION

it is NOT "LEFTY WOKE" lawyers interfering in "hard won #Brexshit sovvrinty" it is simply the human rights of humans being protected from a tyrannical dictator

our govt is also intent on BREAKING INTERNATIONAL LAW under the guise of "it's the EU's fault".

NO IT IS NOT. (this is from the Times by two QCs)

and do #Brexshiters really want to celebrate this?

this explains the ECHR so even those at the back can easily grasp its meaning!

and yet ANOTHER QC has written in politics home about the NIP, Jonathan Jones QC, former head of the government legal department between 2014 & 2020

Stack the courts with conservative men:


so many people calling for the UK to leave the ECHR, but what would that mean?

Boris Johnson is the grandson of Sir James Fawcett, a member of the European Commission for Human Rights for 20 years and its president for half that time

now read this AGAIN please!

“I don’t support the Human Rights Act and I don’t believe in economic and social rights,” 2009

"The spread of rights has become contagious." 1998

Dominic Raab, current Justice Secretary, in charge of reform of the #HumanRightsAct

I've previously done threads on our data and how tories want to be able to sell our data to Palantir, now this:

Friends, we are sleepwalking in to REALLY DARK TIMES:

One was forced into a restraining harness on the plane. Officers pushed him to the ground & put a knee on his head, he couldn’t breathe, & it gets worse:

this *particular* govt has absolutely no regard nor respect for the rule of law, standards or ethics

the PM asked Lord Geidt to advise him on something that the PM knows breaks the rules so Geidt resigned

and back to data:


Scrap worker & environmental rights & protections scream the #Brextremist shills!

this is how many cases the UK wins once referred to the EHRC!

it's beyond ridiculous now!

right, some facts about the ECHR

at the beginning of this thread I also highlighted the #ElectionsBill, here's a thread on how tories are rigging the system in their favour!

what sort of "regime" needs to bring online an ADDITIONAL 10,000 prison beds? Well a regime that's introducing laws against protest, noise & journalists who dare to write negative stories about the tory party, that's who!


Ethics Adviser - Lord Geidt

Ethics Adviser - Sir Alex Allan

Top Legal Civil Servant - Sir Johnathan Jones QC

Anti-Corruption Tsar - John Penrose

LORDS Treasury Minister - Lord Agnew

here are the factual stats on how many refugees the UK has helped, don't believe tory lies or RW tabloids!

actual working examples of how ECtHR has helped citizens in the UK

link to the British Institute of Human Rights, the UK "branch" of ECtHR


completely unrelated to this thread, OR IS IT? (I blame most of this country's ills on the RW propaganda tabloids tbh!)

ECJ ECHR & ECtHR here is the PM confirming he believes in them and that Winston Churchill created them and our lawyers were involved in their creation!

and here's what the Human Rights Watch has to say about the UK!

right to protest
voting rights
Judicial Review limited
Austerity = deaths
and so much more

and lest we forget tories are also rigging the elections in their favour! Don't believe me? read and weep tweeps:

so let's do a bit of reading about the Law itself:

a reminder of the tenets of the ECHR

just a reminder! Martin's poll above is a re-run, because he didn't get the answer he wanted first time around!

here's a really significant thread from @AndrewPRLevi about the camps to which the UK sent Jews. And the deportations...

#deathpenalty please note, most importantly, that the #ECHR prevents capital punishment which #PritiFascist #FascistPatel & #DimDomRaab want to bring back - they have to ditch the ECHR in order to do that, so by riling up their racist base over Rwanda BE AWARE of ulterior motives

Political Science: How to overturn democracy 101:

tweeps how many can we tick off?

from 7 above: discourage accountability for all crime: BOJO might not replace Ethics advisor....... #PartyGate #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToryFascists #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis


and this is how our govt & its staff behave towards these black people, in ALL OUR NAMES: torture: read this article, right to the end...

List of ECtHR Judges

the UK govt seeks to leave international organisations that will enforce the rule of international law upon it, this isn't about democracy, it's about becoming a pariah rogue state

please do watch this, it really isn't *just me* who worries about the extreme right wing dictatorial tendencies of this *current* govt

poll closed, result very clear!

when someone shows you who they are, believe them:

tories are damaging all UK institutions - dark money is flooding in to the UK and swaying policy decisions: opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-…

we can no longer trust the way in which tories attract donations, where they come from, or how they are spent, this govt is completely undermining the rule of Law, intent on centralising power like in 1938 Germany: opendemocracy.net/en/conservativ…

our current PM considers not re-appointing another Ethics Advisor, following the resignation of his SECOND in 2 yrs!

let's not forget the massive scale of corruption in PPE!

and let's be honest, our govt is the worst ever at managing the economy, we have the highest taxes in 70 yrs, rampant inflation and a #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis

and just when you think tories can't plunge any deeper in to the cesspit, Lynton Crosby returns - he of dubious misinformation spread!

and where was the PM during the first wave of COVID #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied

just look at the long list of people who've resigned since #Partygate


UK CITIZENS BEWARE - see two tweets above - more dangerous times ahead - tories will misinform the public!


Lord Geidt issues further clarification regarding his resignation following RW tabloid spin:

and something I haven't yet touched on is the influence of Russians & Russian funding:

now I'm going to move on to the #ElectionsBill - which as far as I am concerned has given tories "control" over elections in a way, that I bet, the majority of Brits won't realise:

For elections to be free & fair, they must:

it really isn't just me that's come to the conclusion tories are rigging the elections, these two people quoted here, are very well respected, institutional leaders

and a reminder Boris Johnson FULLY SUPPORTS the ECHR, which his grandfather helped foster, and served on its board for 20 years, 10 as its chairman!


“Patel’s Rwanda policy looks more like the forms of rendition facilitated by the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act in the US, whereby those who escaped were more readily returned to the condition they had fled.”

I digress, (again) but have to say this is BOJO personally scraping the underbelly of the barrel: (using the dictator Putin's invasion of Ukraine to deflect from his own shortcomings)

this thread is getting long now!
how many tories even pay tax in the UK

back to BOJO & using Ukraine's misfortune to cover his own fat sadarse

#PritiFascist #FascistPatel #FascistScumParty #ToryFascists #ToryFascistDictatorship has ordered the Home Office to electronically tag ASYLUM SEEKERS, and for those at the back, ASYLUM SEEKERS ARE NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

#BBC #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToryCronyAppointments #nepotism #torynepotism BOJO wanted to appoint his mistress to a £100k tax payer funded role

so tories appoint sycophantic cronies as the Chairman BUT ALSO appoint the Director General

Migrants who arrive in the UK in small boats or in the back of lorries will be electronically tagged and will face prosecution if they fail to comply

BOJO tried to appoint Carrie as his Chief of Staff!

Don't forget he was also providing #JenniferArcuri with tax funded £100k loans AT THE SAME TIME TOO!!!!!!

please note, this was happening at the same time as our taxes were funding #JenniferArcuri

a list of times BOJO was reported publicly for having affairs!

all the crushing defeats that tories suffered in the House of Lords during the last session, have simply been combined and tabled in the latest Queens Opening of Parliament Speech - be in no doubt they are DRACONIAN in nature!


has the govt breached our rights by ending COVID mitigations?

are they failing in their duty to provide the safety & security of UK citizens?


Home office uses methods usually associated with dictatorships to remove those legally applying for asylum in the UK


and *even* white Ukrainians, who were promised sanctuary now homeless


UK govt by paying Rwanda is akin to slave trading & people trafficking


#DimDomRaab has been working to ditch the ECHR most of his life, and advocated to sell off all remaining council homes, TO BRING BACK DEBTOR WORKHOUSES, and to sell hospitals off:


be under no illusions the current govt is attacking the rights the world fought for in WWII

the Daily Mail has taken this story down from their website, but not before MSN had published!!! (I'm only adding this for posterity as I had already included another website's reporting on this above)

do we want an elected BOJO dictatorship or the rule of Law???


the Johnson regime is shaming us on the international stage:

so many are calling in to question the performance of this govt

#SuellaBraverman performance...... should she be able to tell blatant lies?

MPs should receive training in order to understand the roles of Lawyers!

for the sake of posterity, here's the print version of the Times with the exclusive on another of BOJOs shags being lined up for a £100k job, later replaced in the online version with BS about racist ECHR judges!

for posterity here's the print version with the online updated version

and just to re-iterate how evil #pritifascist #FascistTories are:

I have screenshot the Daily Mail article that disappeared!!!

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