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Jul 20, 2022, 9 tweets

Extreme weather is on the rise around the world. Whilst the UK is experiencing a severe #heatwave, East Africa is experiencing the worst drought it has seen in 40 years.

Follow the thread below to learn more. ⬇️

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Across #Kenya, #Nigeria, #Ethiopia, #Somalia, over 110 million people are facing a critical food crisis.

This number is increasing week on week.

Learn more about the definition of ‘food insecurity’, and the impact this has on communities. ⬇️

Is food security the same as hunger? 🤔

They’re related, but they don’t mean the same thing. ⬇️

“We have been sounding the alarm for some time in #Kenya. We are facing the worst drought in 40 years. Crop production has decreased by 70%” - Dr Asha Mohammed, secretary general of @KenyaRedCross.


Global factors such as escalated conflict in #Ukraine, inflation around the world and a surge in global food prices have caused devastating ripples across the world.

Communities who have been repeatedly hit by droughts and food crises are some of the world’s most resilient people.

But, what’s the reality for those impacted? ⬇️ #FoodCrisis

Red Cross teams are working on the ground across the continent, supporting communities hit hardest.

Here’s a snapshot ⬇️

As well as supporting communities who have been hit hardest with water, food, immediate financial help, nutrition services, and healthcare, Red Cross teams continue to help people adapt to the changing #climate and build their long-term resilience to cope.

How can you help?

You can:

▪️ Donate to our Africa #FoodCrisis Appeal:…

▪️Share this post to help raise awareness

▪️Tag three friends under this post to help us spread the word

We must act now.

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