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Insides, investigations, information from the Kremlin. Stories of murders, terrorist attacks, political reprisals.

Jul 29, 2022, 8 tweets

Russian President #Putin was very angry and extremely annoyed by the news that the "special operation to force the resignation of #Draghi's #Italian government and replace it with one loyal to #Russia" approved by him is on the verge of failure.…

The details of both the preparation and conduct of the operation to break up the ruling #Draghi's coalition in #Italy will be made public soon.

Just the other day, #Putin was presented with a report on how wonderfully and fruitfully the #Russian special services are working with agents in the leadership of a number of #European countries,...

how superbly the #Kremlin's "sympathizers" are working out the agenda "the need to make concessions to the #Russian president". But a big failure has crept up imperceptibly.

#Putin was informed that the scandal with the disclosure of the details of an attempt to bring to power in #Italy forces sympathetic to the position of the #Russian president could cause agents of influence, both in Italy and in other #European countries, to refuse or ...

be overly cautious when making contact & promoting the agenda necessary for the #Russian leadership.
It may be the biggest failure of the Russian authorities when working with "sympathizers" in #Europe, which is critical given the war & can have a fatal effect on its outcome.

According to experts at the Russian Security Council, in the near future, the only supporter of #Russia in the #EU may be #Hungarian Prime Minister #Orban, the only question is:

Will #Orban want to remain alone, promoting the interests of "friend Vladimir", or will he prefer not to be a "black sheep" and play on the side of, in all likelihood, the winning majority?

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