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Geopolitical Analyst - Researcher - Publisher - Astrologer - Exposing the Occult Aspect of Government #T3OccultAstrology #T3Edit

Jul 29, 2022, 8 tweets

#SatanicNewMoon 7-28-22
#CommonwealthGames opening #ritual depicted worship of the #ApisBull This is extremely important because the #PriestKings are advertising their control of the masses. #AgeOfTaurus


Let me explain.
The #PriestKings bloodline date back to antiquity. This sun worshiping pharaonic cult hails from the era of the bull (Taurus) which predated Christianity by 4k+ yrs. This is the era in which God created Adam.
Below is their vassal Bull General #KlausSchwab @WEF

#KlausSchwab is the military general exercising the will of the #PriestKings and their #DavosAgenda. World dominance by means of global government infiltration and subversion under false pretenses #Plandemic #ClimateCrisis #GreatReset #SocialJustice

Taking into consideration of the Procession of the Equinox - #AgeOfTaurus roughly 4400BC to 2160BC: during this time period the beginning of humanity is revealed in the #BookOfGenesis
Its also the start of #DynasticEgypt as upper and lower #Egypt merge into one great nation.

Time of the #GreatFlood and the #Nephalim who took human women and created hybrid human abominations.
At the end of the era the mythic bull of the heavens plays a role in the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, dating as far back as 2150 BC as the age turns to Aries, the lamb.

The #GreatFlood = The #GreatReset
#Gilgamesh endeavored to live forever = #Transhumanism
What I'm getting at: The #PriestKings who control our matrix today are descendants of those ancient bloodlines from the #AgeOfTaurus. They've hidden behind the veil of Democracy, til now.

We are on the cups of the #AgeOfAquarius and the story of Gilgamesh is again at the fore. #Transhumanism is the agenda. The melding of man w/ machine will produce infinite intellectual possibilities. This is the #Luciferian plan.
Welcome to the Age Of Aquarius
Watch closely🔻

What we're witnessing is the #ExternalizationOfTheHierarchy The reemergence of those Sun Cult bloodlines who ruled 6k yrs ago.
These #PrietsKings are making it very clear that they are a monolith and omnipotent.
The #DuranDuran ritual msg:

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