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J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.

Oct 6, 2022, 20 tweets

1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on October 4, 2022
The situation seems to have "stall" for now in #Luhansk. Lots of reports that #UAarmy is regrouping & preparing for next round of actions even if there is still ongoing ops right now

2/ Nota bene.
important. almost all maps out there show north part of Luhansk close to Russian borders under Ukr control and i don't believe it is true. hence my map for several days. because on one hand we haven't seen ANY evidence of free villages, and Ukr does not claim so &

3/ on the other hand there is this "constant" area as described in the circle by Ru MOD as under Ru control, and even if they are never 100% accurate as i've showed several times in the past (like in the arrow area i highlight here), all evidence points anyway to put in under Ru.

4/ nothing much to say & no real changes from #Bilohorivka - #Lysychansk to #Soledar as Ukr are still defending & are doing as much as they can to simply destroy all incoming forces.
but there is nothing to say 2 weeks after some famous claims toward #Lysychansk. bad infos.

5/ now on the south #Bakhmut situation..
we are still witnessing different scenarii depending on specific areas. terrain matters.
Ru recognize contrary to first claims yesterday that they are stuck in the outskirt of Bakhmut. on the other hand it seems that they finally got

6/ Vesla Dolyna, and continued their movement in the direction of "Ivangrad" #ivanhrad
in Bakhmut, detachments of "PMC Wagner" managed to expand the control zone along the highway and enter the territory of the industrial zone on Patrisa Lumumba street, (pics) &Asphalt plant

7/ they also claimed that "Wagner's PMC" captured the stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the crossroads south of Otradovka and continued to move towards Kurdyumovka. Otradovka itself also completely came under the control of the Wagnerits"
but i still wait confirmation

8/ & UKr Gen staff confirms : "Over the past day, units of #UAarmy repelled enemy attacks in the areas of #Soledar, #Bakhmutske, Yakovlivka,
.. #Odradivka (but 24h delay!)
#Zaitseve, Bakhmut, #Krasnohorivka, Pobyeda, Vodyane & Lyubomirivka settlements."
hence my investigations..

9/ nothing much in #Zaporijia #Zaporizhzhia Oblast..
only Ru using all missiles they can use to destroy civilians infrastructures and killing civilians because they are absolute retarded AND have zero real intel AND shitty materials that falls down quite often 100m from target

10/ Now important note. concerning the #Kherson #KrivyiRih axis - notice that on my last map i put #Snihourivka #Снігурівка Oblast de Mykolaïv as liberated but i think i was wronged by circular infos who augmented the reality on a "simple" info on the ground. I picked up the info

11/ from @wartranslated account (good account though) & seemed confirmed. but it was based on Ru complaining as usual like drunkhards does about hard attacks and officers & command leaving the place (like they always do) but there is no info whatsoever of any liberation now.

12/ also we do receive some vids from this morning of villages liberated like liberated village of #Tryfonivka in Kherson region. it does not change really the FEBA line and or the fact that this is "old".
but all russians sources also claimed that the front seems to be more or

13/ less "stabilized" for now... but not much more.
so it's kind of hard to assess there.
so i'll let the map as it is, as it should be pretty close to what are really the contact areas in this zone.

14/ and the last map.
is gonna be a recap of Kherson area to #Mykolaiv
Gen staff confirms and reports some villages there that were directly targeted and says its directly close to front line.
so this should be the situation there too.

15/ and last gen staff report

16/ also last report from Gen staff media center :


18/ Today, October 06, between 09.00 and 11.30, on the flight from the sea to Mykolaiv region, forces and means of air defense of the Air Command "South" eliminated two enemy drones-Kamikadze "Shahed-136" and one strike drone "Mohajer-6"

19/ also the Daily rate of attrition / material destruction remains absolutely mind boggling
& it will be more & more difficult for Ru to sustain their ongoing operation or to try any major advances in the future. 1k men/km won't change that much if no armor remains to protect/

20/ or inflict damages and help to progress.
men in trenches can produce hard / mobile defenses, but if we take "conservative" numbers there, Ru are still losing the equivalent of a BTG every couple of day right now...
impossible to hide or to replace. even with bad materials

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