Nat’s Pancreas 404 🐝 #DavosSafe Profile picture
Type 1 circa 1983 | Empowered by the #DOC #WeAreNotWaiting #LanguageMatters #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #InsulinConsensus | #dedoc°voices | Own views - She/Her

Oct 14, 2022, 7 tweets

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

1⃣ Genetic susceptibility
2⃣ Something triggers autoimmunity in the 1st years of life or later
3⃣ #BetaCell destruction
4⃣ Diagnosis
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #patientvoice @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

'The time trend is the best proof that there are environmental factors triggering T1D.
Heredity as well.'
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

'From the 1920s we knew that T1D was of viral origin as deaths from #diabetes in Norway correlated with the mumps pandemic.'
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

'There is a clear association between #enterovirus infection and #BetaCells autoimmunity.'
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 4/n

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

DIVID study re the underlying causes of T1D:
▶️ Pancreatic biopsy
▶️ 6 newly diagnosed adults
▶️ 40 peer reviewed articles
▶️ Live #entovirus detected at onset
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG @ispad_org 5/n

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

First lessons from #Covid:
⬆️ incidence of #T1D
❓ Has this ⬆️ incidence been triggered by Covid or is this an acceleration of already triggered autoimmunity?
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG @ispad_org

Potential role of antiviral treatment in #T1D:

Second lessons from #Covid:
⚠️ #SARSCoV2 enters the pancreatic #BetaCells
▶️ Beta cells intracellular signalling
▶️ Apoptosis, impaired #insulin secretion & transdifferentiation
-L. Krogvold

#ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG 7/n

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