Kyra Markov Profile picture
Assignment Editor @CTVedmonton my focus is COVID-19, influenza, opioid crisis & crime data. Views expressed are mine and mine alone.

Oct 20, 2022, 14 tweets

Oct 19: AB COVID-19 update
Disclaimer: I base my graphs off of AB Health's raw data. Their weekly data includes changes made to past weeks. I update my graphs to reflect those changes and then do my update which is why my numbers may be different than others. #COVID19AB

This week: 7825 (+412 more than last week)
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

This week: 1387 (+92 more than last week)
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

This week: 1070 (+14 more than last week)
Last weeks hospitalization numbers were retroactively updated from 1014 to 1056.
We are now back at hospitalization numbers similar to May 2022.
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

This week: 33 (+3 more than last week)
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

32 new deaths reported this week.
12 of them believed to have occurred this week, while 20 of them were added retroactively to past weeks.
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

Positivity rate
This week: 18.45% (-0.71 lower than last week)
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

Here's daily hospitalizations and ICUs. There is an upwards trend here. Previously you would see a wave, and then it would go down after protections were put into place. We are no longer seeing those returns to baseline, we are seeing leapfrogging.
#covid19ab #covid #yeg

This is hospitalizations layered year over year. We have 1070 to last year's 989 patients when comparing October 17th of both years. The highest of last year's fall wave for hospitalizations I believe was 1130. We are 60 patients away from that.
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta

Our average hospitalizations is also surpassing last October so far. (October 2022 is only based off of data up to Oct 17th inclusive.)
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

Daily deaths

Daily cases

Daily positivity

So short version...
Test numbers are up, case numbers are up, hospitalizations are up, ICU numbers are up, positivity down slightly.
#covid19ab #covid #yeg #alberta #ab #yyc

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