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Insides, investigations, information from the Kremlin. Stories of murders, terrorist attacks, political reprisals.

Oct 26, 2022, 9 tweets

Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! On Monday and Tuesday, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin asked the Foreign Ministry to organize a telephone conversation with #Chinese leader #XiJinping, but the Chinese side refused.

This is not the first time #Putin has been denied the opportunity to have a telephone conversation with #XiJinping. This time, the #Chinese side hinted that there was no important subject for conversation, and Comrade Xi did not intend to talk to anyone about trifles.

According to the results of the CPC Congress in Beijing, #XiJinping remains the leader of #China and strengthens his position. In his speech at the congress, he mentioned a "bipolar world", excluding the option of considering #Russia as an...

equilibrium center of influence alongside the #USA and China.
In February, #XiJinping received personal assurances from #Putin that he would quickly (they even uttered the word “lightning fast”) realize his geopolitical ambitions in the #Ukrainian direction.

The #Chinese leader believed and made it clear that in the event of a quick implementation of the military plans of the #Russian leadership, #Putin could count not only on the understanding of the Chinese leadership, but also on support.

In the eyes of #XiJinping and the #Chinese leadership, #Putin made an irreparable mistake — he lost the war he started. Faith in the "second army of the world" collapsed, dragging respect with it.

The promises made by #Putin to Xi in Samarkand to end the war with a "victory" and #Patrushev's promise, which he made during his recent visit to #China, to end the hot phase of the conflict asap did not find not only support but also understanding of the Chinese leadership.

#Putin's personal dislike of #XiJinping, which manifested itself after China's refusal of military assistance to #Russia after the failed start of the war, is well known in #China. In response, Putin is simply despised, and it was made clear to him by all available means.

The worst thing for #Putin is that he now constantly expects a “knife in the back” from his #Chinese comrades, and this is probably what will happen. #XiJinping nicknamed #Putin "Puppy", and now, "toothless" was added to this nickname.

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