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Crypto researcher🧬

Dec 10, 2022, 12 tweets

what happened in #RadFi2022?
🔹nowadays the crypto is absolutely garbage for users, Devs & entrepreneurs. because they want good UX , secure platform & efficiency.
🔸 $ETH $Sol $DOT $ADA & Etc. can't response these demands as the best as possibility.
@radixdlt #Crypto #Defi

🔸#DeFi had increased to 200B dollars recently.
🔹20k Devs spend 24h/7d time to build secure & good user experience platforms but almost 6B dollars hack occurred recently!
🔸that's why the people you know who use #Web3 & #Defi are really handful.
@radixdlt #Crypto #Web3

☑️#Radix comes to solve them while providing :
/ \
/ \
secure _ _ __ decentralization

Radix is a pre-sharded platform that has 2^256 shards!
the shard meaning is different from another platforms.

☑️Radix introduces these Apple-Stack layers which works together by encapsulation :
🔸programming (Scrypto)
🔹Execution (Engine )
🔸Consensus (Cerberus)
🧬so let's start with Cerberus!
#Cerberus #Radix #Web3 #Defi #Srypto #Apple #Solidity #Consensus

🧬#Cerberus is a first linear-scalability consensus algorithm that can't break atomic composability & cause bottleneck.
🪡 it braids related transactions together and processes unrelated transactions parallelly.
in previous version 'tempo' it could do all of BTC Tx in 1m TPS!

Radix engine can provide environments for Devs to focus on building, and make better & bigger platforms.
it's very similar to the history of game engines that devs had to spend a long time to just create simple game.
simple game with more bugs & low quality!

this is a asset-oriented language which can prevent Billion dollars hacks!
your assets physically store in your wallet unlike ETH based platforms.
✅no more need "approve" button.
✅no more disappear tokens accidentally.
✅no more "blind signatures".

✅no more complex code
✅safe & secure in bone
✅ finite state machines "FSM" manage your assets
✅less code -> build fast
✅royalty for dev
And more secure advantages!
in summary #Scrypto can build structures of "DeFi Legos" or "Money Legos".

🎨last but important part is Ui/Ux.
user interface & user experience can make/break technology.
we can see Defi grow when all of our families & friends can use dApps easily and be comfortable with them!

🕵️‍♂️We have to understand what's going on in our wallets!

✅seed phrase? no again! use trust person to recovery your assets!
☑️centralized service? nope! all of them in radix component!
✅login into all of your accounts in one login!
✅Radix connect lets you have desktop experience in dApp

Native assets prevent some phishing hacks!
"blind signing " is one of the most of favor methods for hackers!
in Radix this problem goes away!
all of what things will be happen are in your vision.
from deposit to withdraw even which site you are connected!

☑️all of these parts work together seamlessly.
✅Radix changes rules of the game.

🫶finally, if you are interested in more details
please watch live stream:

or look at:
and don't forget to follow @radixdlt

#RadFi2022 #crypto

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