@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

Dec 20, 2022, 27 tweets

anyone know the background about #binaryx #bnxtoken and #binance ???

@Okcoin core team founded #seychelles domiciled #jex exchange.

note #binance never mention's #china ever.

and what do you know here's the ".," v "."

Honestly I just can't work out why #binance has all these non china domiciled companies with the "Co,. Ltd" suffix. and the same time they keep misspeling the the suffix by dropping the ","...

Here is something else that is unusual.

#jex appeared to rely heavily on $USDT #tether.
Even giving away free #tether as an incentive to join the party.

handing out $USDT like its candy at #halloween.

The other thing that is unique in the #crypto world is how completely unrelated players acting independently cross paths in perfect sync.
tbf #seychelles was the go to destination for 2019
announcing on the same day...thats just freaky.

what were you doing on the 2 Sep 2019??

there's only one thing better than being safe with #SAFU
and that's #tetherSAFU

$USDT and #tether are the best insurance especially for an exchange in sunny #sechelles that is definitely NOT and has nothing to do with #china.

#jex an exchange for 'global enthusiasts' (see no mention of China because Binance has no affiliation to China).

Its kind of ridiculous that CZ has to come out time and time again and defend his company and himself.
Changpeng is a well known #french #canadian name.

Being a diehard #globenthusiast I couldn't wait to get onboard at #jex knowing I would be #tetherSAFU I was so excited....

I can tell you I was almost in tears....

I mean have I been ghosted and excluded from the #globalenthusiast club?

turns out that the #chinese #authorities weren't too keen on this beloved #globalenthusiast exchange.

in fact it appears that #jex was specifically established for #mainlandchina
the alternative site jexzhs.com turned out to be the main site.

Driven to be best 4 the ecosystem & the most globally transparent company in the universe. the solution was easy. spin up another token and hand over to a trusted partner.
I'm guessing it was about here they gave up on the whole #globalenthusiast not #chinese

Appears that it was around then that #binance they decided to pack up their bags and get the hell out of Dodge....i mean #seychelles.

#jex #seychelles acquired in 2019 by @binance services #china #mainland clients shuts down jex.com and jexzhs.com as a result of #KYC issues with their #china customers spins up a new coin managed kicks to @binary_x

what happened to #jex
who controls #BinaryX
are you really operating in #seychelles when all your customers are #mainlain #china

without fail every time I dig into the #crypto swamp I always end up with more questions than I start with
why would #huobi invest #jex 2018 and then divest to #binance in 2019. Why does @justinsuntron always pop up #whiteknight or #kissofdeath

@justinsuntron It was less than a month ago @justinsuntron was playing the #whiteknight depositing $100m into #binance

I bet he's sweating bricks on when that $100m going to #circle back around to @HuobiGlobal

I'm guessing thats the #whiteknight recall.

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