Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Jan 8, 2023, 7 tweets

In scenes reminiscent of the January 6 Capitol attack in the US, supporters of the defeated President #Bolsonaro, have marched on #Brazil’s Presidential Palace & Congress building, invading the floor of the Federal Senate & the Supreme Court👇#BREAKING

President Lula on “the anti-democratic acts” #brazil #brasilia #brasi #Lula #Bolsonaro

In 2015, Bannon tasked #CambridgeAnalytica’s @chrisinsilico to build a psychological warfare tool to hollow out democracy & rive open divisions in societies

It worked

And #Palantir, who rptdly taught Cambridge Analytica how to scrape data, are everywhere

A favourite quote of Steve Bannon's is from Milton’s Paradise Lost:

"It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven”

This video is from his War Room podcast after #Brazil's elections. (via @RonFilipkowski)
#Brasil #brazil #Lula #Bolsonaro

How Fascism works

1. Establish mythic past (“Return to greatness”)

2. Sow division (fear/hatred of minorities)

3. Attack the Truth (lie, distort, deny, & create “alt” reality)

4. Use democracy to destroy democracy

This is playing out - to various extents - in many countries

“The best way to understand #Bannon is to picture him as a travelling salesman peddling ideas that he hopes might take root…He needs vessels, he needs incendiaries. He’ll only be satisfied when the flames are blazing around him” @scheuermannc @derspiegel…

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