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ਇਸ਼ਕ ਪੰਜਾਬ Ishq PanJab

Mar 9, 2023, 12 tweets

On Today’s Day in #Sikh #History
on 9th of March 1846

#Treaty was Signed Between
The #BritishGovernment and
The State of Lahore(#SikhEmpire) 1846

The ending of the first #AngloSikhWar resulted in the Treaty of #Lahore
(9th March 1846), #Sikhs were made to surrender the valuable region (the Jullundur Doab) between the Beas River and Sutlej River.

The #LahoreDurbar was also required to pay an indemnity of 15 million rupees. Because it could not readily raise this sum, it ceded Kashmir,Hazarah & all the forts,territories,rights & interests in the hill countries situated btwn the Rivers Beas &Indus to the

On 11th March 1846 a supplementary treaty was initiated.

With the role or rather non role played by Gulab Singh he negotiated the Treaty of #Amritsar on 16th March 1846 acquiring many areas of the #Punjab.

The supplementary Articles of Agreement of 1846 had specified that the British troops would remain in Lahore until no later than the end of 1846
When the time approached for the British to leave,the Durbar requested that troops should remain until the Maharaja attained the age 16

The signing of
the #Treaty of #Bhairowal,
26 December 1846.

A key condition of the #British agreement was that a Resident British officer, with an efficient establishment of assistants, was to be appointed by the Governor-General to remain at #Lahore, with “full authority to direct and control all matters in every Department of the State”

The Regent, #MaharaniJindanKaur, mother of the Maharaja, was awarded an annual pension of 150,000 rupees and replaced by a Council of Regency composed of leading Chiefs and Sirdars acting under the control and guidance of the #British Resident.👇

This effectively gave the British control of the Government.🙏🏻

Punjab After the Treaties of 1846

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