Saurabh S Dani, MD, MSc Profile picture
Cardiologist, Outcomes research, Health Economics, Associate Prof @TuftsUniversity @LSEHealthpolicy @Hei_McMaster Program Director

Mar 17, 2023, 8 tweets

Heartiest Congratulations on #Match2023 #MatchDay2023 #MatchDay
Take a moment to cherish the fruits of your hard work and perseverance! Let's not lose hope if you did not match #IMGs #AMGs! Failure is an opportunity to learn, a process to achieve your dream! @TheNRMP @ECFMG_IMG

The application pool is strong! So, Do Not Give up! Let's celebrate success and learning! Cheers! Know that the universe wants you to do well! A loving family, friends, well-wishers, teachers, mentors want you to succeed!

We are here! @SarjuGanatraMD and I are happy to help you all! To those getting into #residency #fellowship and those gearing up to apply, interview, and get your 'MAD' dream true, we are here for you to be a part of your journey, passionately, for your dream!

Every #IMG has a story to tell! This is ours! #TheJourneyNeverEnds
Thankful and grateful to many for their unwavering support! This is just a start!

Why do you need a #mentor to #Match #Match2023 @TheNRMP
A great mentor:
☑️Is invested in your success
☑️Provides constructive feedback
☑️Challenges you
☑️Is available and respects you
#Collaboration is the key to #success!

Join us as we initiate a process of #mentorship/collaboration/podcasts to help #IMGs and others!
What do we intend to do?
⭐️Help elevate your CVs
⭐️Initiate/continue #research projects, work with our A1 fellows, residents
⭐️Foster friendships for life!

Keep a look out for a primer on our initiative on ZOOM in 2 weeks! We are here for you! DM, email, or reach out. Your dreams are going to come true!
@khurramn1 @safinmc @GarimaVSharmaMD @AmiBhattMD @AmitGoyalMD @CardioNerds @Sadeer_AlKindi @virani_md @Ajar_Kochar @kardiologykazi

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