Rachel Thee-in-pray-oon, MD, MSCS Profile picture
Peds Hospice & Palliative Med | She/her | Mama | Peloton | #Compassion | Pro-vaccine | Anti-hate | #QI/#Safety | Please & thank you

Apr 27, 2023, 12 tweets

Good morning from the Keck Center @theNASEM where I am so pleased to be part of their workshop this morning to support and sustain the workforce to care for people with serious illness! #hapc #pedpc #wellness #wellbeing #suffering

The first panel shared experiences from the front lines so vulnerably and beautifully. @MaguirePeggy @PhilRodgersMD @RachelMayAdams

Now @CAPCpalliative CEO @BrynnBHealth discussing the current and future workforce we need in #hapc

@BrynnBHealth presents a national #hapc workforce strategy and highlights our need to train the entire workforce in primary palliative care skills (qualifier- this is a bit different in #Pedpc)

@BrynnBHealth Highlighting the disparities between racial/ethnic diversity in direct care workers (largely women, non-white, make ~$22k annually) and physicians

Next up: Creating a compassionate, caring environment for patients and clinicians with these folks: @theSCCH’s Beth Lown, JoAnne Reifsnyder and Donna Stevens

Dr. Reifsnyder- we must make #compassion a priority across the organization AND structure for it. #organizationalcompassion #healthcare

Dr. Stevens- we have to operationalize connections in the team. Who is the team? How do they function together, what are the individual needs? @teresapestian @eawtrey

“Recovery might not be possible while still in the system.” - Donna Stevens quoting Stacie Sinclair from @CAPCpalliative
Advocates for sabbaticals from healthcare work to help #HCWs heal.

Session 6- advancing #diversity #equity and #inclusion in serious illness care wirh @arimopat @anne_kelemen Ernest Grant, Wendy-Jo Toyama and Michelle Webb from @SWHPN @AAHPM ANA @HPNAinfo

This panel and discussion were too good to focus and tweet live. Please visit nationalacademies.org/our-work/suppo…
For recordings and slides

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