Wahhab Hassoo وهاب حسو Profile picture
🌍 Documenting places, peopl MA in IR & International Security│Policy Analyst Iraq-Syria│Translator: Arabic-Kurdish-Dutch-English│ME commentator│#بلاد_الرافدين

Apr 30, 2023, 12 tweets

What happened in Sinjar region of Iraq/Kurdistan the past three days? He's a brief #thread.

Iraqi government resettled some of the internally displaced Sunni Muslim families to Sinjar, where #YazidiGenocide was committed by ISIS in 2014.

Yezidis protested against this plan in front of the Islamic Mosque located in Sinjar, because according to some witnesses, there were some Sunni Muslims among them who supported and joined #ISIS against the Yezidis in 2014. This people joined ISIS and betrayed the Yezidis back… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

After this protest reached #socialmedia, a group of Imams, sectarianism led Islamic politicians and parties spread a picture of a mosque and saying that Yezidis have demolished it and burnt Islamic Holly Book Quran and attacked and called Yezidis devilworshippers & atheists.

However, according to @Tech4Peace1 & official Ministries, the whole story was fake, as the real pictures (see below) belonged to a Mosque located in the city of Diyala(#Iraq), which was destroyed by ISIS in 2014. The mosque wasn't destroyed by Yezidis, but by Muslims themselves.

So, these Imams and sectarianism led politicians and parties, ruling Iraq since Saddam Hussein and even before, turned the story 180 degree and said that the Islamic Umah and House of Allah is under attack by Yezidis, calling them Satanists and atheists; see video.

Several recording and voice memos shown (Kurdish) Muslims talking about attacking Yezidi refugees remaining in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (see video). However, there are no actions taken by this hate-speech against Yezidis driven campaign, and these people are not held accountable.

Media outlets, including Instagram, continues to share the fake news. Not surprisingly, hundreds of people in the comments justify the #YazidiGenocide by ISIS, saying that it was great what ISIS did to Yezidis. @Kurdistan time for action?

Yezidi spiritual leaders said that Yezidis always condemned any attack or inappropriate behaviour or violence towards a peaceful co-existence & that in Yezidi religion and belief: we pray for more than 70 other religions before praying for ourselves."
We, Yezidis, are… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Finally, an Islamic tribe leader responded ashamed and asked these so called imams defending #Islam; where were you when ISIS destroyed our mosques? Where were you when ISIS killed, enslaved and raped children and women in the name of #Islam? What have you done to stop Isis?

Yezidi activist @murad_ismael argued that "time has come for an explicit and clear law to be enacted in Iraq and the Kurdistan region that criminalizes racism an incitement of violence against the Yazidis as a group." According to him "Establishing a strong legal framework will… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Map source: #BBC December, 2014, when larger part of #Iraq and #Syria were controlled by ISIS, including #Sinjar.

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