Dana James-Edwards • Diversity Dana (she-her) Profile picture
Black Thrive Winner | Twin mum | Building inclusive company cultures where everyone can thrive | Head of Diversity & Inclusion @KubrickGroup | Former @KingsFund

May 3, 2023, 14 tweets

In the final session I’m covering today at @LearnTechUK, Michael Edwards & Maya Harris from @McKinsey share their internal process to help informal #learning happen more often & more systematically. I look forward to telling you all their secrets in this thread #LT23UK #T2S3

Neither Michael nor Maya are active on Twitter (sad times) but if you wanted to know what they look like and what they do - here you go! At McKinsey Michael is Global Leader, Way We Work Director of People & Ops. Maya is a Senior Learning Manager. #LT23UK #T2S3

In this session we’ll be talking a lot about #apprenticeship but not in the the traditional sense. At @McKinsey they use the word “apprenticeship” to mean #OnTheJob #Learning on the job. This is really important for the context of the session (& this thread). #LT23UK #T2S3

In @McKinsey terms, purposeful #apprenticeship is colleagues immersed in a culture of support to accelerate development. It rejects that the most senior person is automatically the best person to help someone learn. Everyone is a teacher & everyone is a learner. #LT23UK #T2S3

Things are starting to get weird up here in @LearnTechUK. Everyone is standing up with their eyes closed and imagining they are in a desert. And now Michael has got a desert-loving volunteer to come to the front & learn a skill from him. Oh my. What’s coming next? #LT23UK #T2S3

The volunteer has been given the task of making a Bedouin headdress only by observing Michael. The volunteer cannot ask questions. Just watch and follow. It’s an incredible thing to see. Don’t worry - I’ve got you. I’ve captured it all on #video. #LT23UK #T2S3

What is the learning? If we’re just observing, if we’re just watching, it’s a really difficult way to learn. And this was a physical task. Imagine if it was a cognitive task. It’s tough. And if we can see that it is - why are we doing it to people at work? #LT23UK #T2S3

So how do we do things differently? Well in @McKinsey’s Purposeful Apprenticeship model if you’re a #learner your job is to
⭐️ Observe (watch and ask why)
⭐️ Articulate (explain how you’re thinking about it)
⭐️ Act (do it and reach out if you need help)

#LT23UK #T2S3

And if you’re a #teacher or a #guide under @McKinsey’s Purposeful Apprenticeship Model your job is to
⭐️ Model (show & tell why)
⭐️ Scaffold (explain your approach)
⭐️ Coach (watch the learner do it)
⭐️Fade (let go & let the learner come to you if they need help)

#LT23UK #T2S3

And now the audience gets to practice some of their own purposeful apprenticeship at @LearnTechUK. They were asked to find a skill or task they do well, write or storyboard steps and then teach it to someone in the the room. There’s lots of noise & laughter & fun. #LT23UK #T2S3

Michael reminds us that under the purposeful apprenticeship model the trainer or guide’s most important word is “Because” and the learner’s most important word is “Why?” #LT23UK #T2S3

As an aside, Michael full of contagious energy & he is really enjoying this @LearnTechUK session and activity. I have proof in the form of the #BestPhotoEver. I always thought @McKinsey were quite buttoned-up but he’s single handedly changing my mind. #LT23UK #T2S3

Crucial to this model is #PsychologicalSafety. Are people able to be candid and ask questions without feeling at risk? Can people freely admit when there are things they don’t know without fear of repercussion? Are they safe to engage across the organisation? #LT23UK #T2S3

And that’s a wrap for @McKinsey at @LearnTechUK. But the team have left us with some awesome #resources (pic below including QR codes). The question now is: How can YOU begin moving your organisation toward a purposeful #apprenticeship culture #LT23UK #T2S3

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